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Everything posted by mmarks

  1. Thanks for the replies. I wondered if the button would show me mpg or something like that - I guess not! I have to say, I am quite impressed with the little thing so far. for a 1.6 it goes well enough and I have so far averaged 49mpg (used a phone app to record every refill and calculate average - sad or what!) I agree with the gear changes, they are very slow and sometimes lurch you forward as they are not very smooth. I also have had a couple of situations when the car seemed as though it was in neutral when going slowly over a speed bump so it revved until about 2,500 revs until it started moving forward. But, all in all it does what it says on the tin. Mike
  2. As the title really, my '03 1.6 sesodrive has a button on the end of the lights/indicator stalk that I can push in but doesn't seem to do anything. Does it have a function or is it there for a more upmarket version????? Mike Also, my owners handbook talks about the automatic gearbox but doesn't mention the sensodrive, is there a scan of this someone could post up or email me?
  3. Thanks for the speedy reply. is the mechanism 'coded' to the car or can I use one from any C3? Also, is there a 'how to' for replacing it?
  4. Hi all, Just bought a 2003 1.6 petrol C3 (with the sort of automatic gearbox - paddles on steering wheel). Anyway, when I lock the doors with the key remote, the front passenger door buzzes loudly for about 3 seconds. I took the door trim off and tried it - it is coming from the door lock mechanism. Doesn't do it on unlocking. Any suggestions? Is it something I can fix or would I need to replace the locking mechanism? Really appreciate any suggestions or experience.
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