hi all ...looking at replacing my gearbox as it has a whine on it ...can anyone tell me what other gearboxs fit as i will be touring the scrapyards soon .....understand the ford fiesta has the same engine its a 1.4hdi 8v ...cheers
sounds exactly what i had ...turned out to be injectors ..cheap bits to buy and the black sludge will come off with petrol ....put a spanner on the top shoulders of injectors metal body and rocked back and forward ..
hi again ...i cant find the gearbox filler plug i can see the drain but the filler plug isnt by the steel cover as shown in the haynes manual ....helpppppp
hi just got an 04 1.4hdi and it seems to be a bit noisy with a whine in 1st when accelerating is this normal ,not really loud but you notice it ...cheers pete :)
have you changed petrol stations .depending on which way the angle of the floor is decides how much fuel you get in .2 gallons in my chrysler between one garage by me and on the other side of town