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  1. a bit of a late reply i know but someone might look and find it handy the answer is no the lights dont flash (as they do on the C5)
  2. just a quick update, i got the air-con filled and all works fine now compressor kicks in as it should and nice ice cold air comes through the vents, so it would seem that the low pressure cut of switch on the condenser works as it should.
  3. thanks for the reply it came with 3 books 1: for the stereo 1: showing Citroen dealers and the drivers handbook.picture on the front is a MK1 so i guess its correct book but it dose say according to country next to the fuse box diagram i found some info on the net about the aircon and it says that on the C5 there is a cut of switch which shuts down the comp if the gas level(pressure) gets too low to save the comp burning out so im of to see my mate who works in KFit and get the system re-gassed (for free) and see what happens, fingers crossed its just low on gas and no leeks,
  4. also found the handbook that came with the car is no good for checking the fuses. what in the handbook is said to be a side light is the left front window and the 15amp and the one next to it is the right front window 15amp whereas the book says its a 30amp for the two in a totally different slot, which makes checking for power to the air-con compressor even more of a pain.
  5. Hello everyone im Andy as im sure you guessed, this is my first post so please be gentle, i recently got my hands on a 2001 1.8 LX C5 and im loving it, we had a BX14 a good few years ago and that although basic was a great car, which is one of the reasons why when looking to replace our old Landy with something cheaper to run i was drawn to the C5, especially considering its bargain price of £800 taxed and tested all in good condition and with only 92k on the clock (well i think its a bargain anyway) the car is in good condition everything but the aircon works as it should engine and box are smooth and the ride is second to none. going back to the aircon the switch lights up but the compressor clutch is not engaging, not having a workshop manual yet is a bit of a pain, i was wondering if the system has a low pressure cut out to save the compressor in the event of low or no gas but i would like to check that it works before getting the system gassed up and then find the compressor is kaput, so if any of you guys can give me a pointer or two I would be very grateful, thanks in advance for any pointers regards Andy
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