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About stebaz

  • Birthday 12/02/1963

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    stanley co durham
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Newbie (1/14)



  1. hi jack thanks for info it is just the bump stops do you no where i can buy any. thanks steve
  2. Car has developed a clucking noise when going over bumps or on uneven roads.Jacked car up and had a look one side rubber is perished where suspension arm comes down and other side has no rubber at all this car passed MOT 3 weeks ago with no advisories not sure how. Could anyone tell me is there a name for these rubbers so I can go out and buy some to replace them. Thank You Steve
  3. got it to work thanks for your help. thanks steve
  4. cd went off in my c5,got one from breaker yard works but keep beeping ' how do you put vin code in to stop bleeping can you do it your self . thanks steve
  5. will do thanks
  6. hi can any one tell me how to fit a new motor to back of clock to get speedo to work. i got two motors from breaker yard but when i took them off the pointer for speedo fell off. is there any way you can get in from the front glass to hold pointer in place so you can put motor in place thanks steve
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