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  1. Camping was just an example. I recall reading with interest a guy that had created an interior "reversing mirror" mounted in the tailgate on a kangoo that would work for anyone, and when it comes to sliding doors and interior use most of use have the same experiences? We simply need more "regular posters" and life will return, though this berlingo section is almost a niche within a niche.
  2. I think it's a great idea, but not sure there is enough people to populate a "berlingo only" forum... (ie even this is quiet) ..however.. Maybe a UK version (link up?) of the hochdachkombi site might work? Most berlingo partner kangoo doblo vaneo owners have similar interests needs, especially camping. Certainly a good read through HDK (use google translate) shows similar issues, regardless of vehicle.
  3. Bit late for me now lol... but great for berli owners!
  4. lol, I think it's a lot smarter and less vanlike than, umm, a lot of it's competitors! :D I thought it was somewhat perky for an 82, did some digging, and turns out it's a 102! Both versions are badged simply as "1.6" and the dealer had not advertised it correctly! So far, loving it, just had the rear side and back windows tinted coming up for the summer, and have some screens ready to go in for the kids. It's getting somewhat better fuel economy than the octavia too.
  5. Now the saxo 106 *is* a deathtrap, I've seen a couple in accidents and they are not pretty. I had a saxo, a lot of fun, but I would not have another without a cage welded to the front turrets.
  6. I don't hold too much respect for which reports, they like to sensationalise to justify their existance... I've seen A-class hit an S-class head on, and it's amazing how well the sandwich floor concept works, so I have no concerns about the Vaneo. I will say ESP was a factor in it's purchase though, no-one chooses it on the berlingo so forced me to consider new only so I could add it. I could buy the vaneo 2nd hand knowing it would have it.
  7. Entered my first multistorey today.... looked at the height limit, hmmm 2metres... umm... Never driven so cautiously in all my life, but I needn't have worried, cleared fine. Just sooo scared of scratching my new toy :unsure:
  8. Hehe, the classic "getting a new toy" syndrome - I was the same (just had a new car at the weekend). You'll love the Berlingo, is an amazingly practical vehicle!
  9. Nah, garage is my workshop, and is only a single. As long as it is half clear so I can work under cover that's fine for me.
  10. This morning I looked at the height of the garage door and the back of the Vaneo... nothing as scientific as measuring it but I really don't think it will fit! Good job I use my garage for "stuff" and keep the car on the drive :unsure:
  11. Well it has now has pride of place on my drive... bye bye 220+bhp, hello 82, gulp... Chuffed to bits with it, 85mile trip home from the dealer, is so silent, kids that normally go straight to sleep in the car sit wide-eyed at the scenery they can now see! Quality piece of kit, feels *very* well screwed together. Have absorbed the manual and played with a few things. The sony head unit has more buttons than I'd like (anyone else always find Sony a bit "fussy?") but does produce some nice sounds in early tests... Off to work on the train tomorrow, not due to drive again till I go to Leeds on Wednesday, but looking forward to getting some more miles under it.
  12. Yup, already done on the service record...or just had new wiper blades courtesy of mercedes lol, as has a redesigned trailing arm suspension cup and front droplinks. It's nice when someone does a recall and get's it dealt with. The saxo had a known issue with synchromesh on second, and seeping oil gaskets between engine and gearbox - forums were full of them. Citroen of course denied the issue and had tobe rectified at owners cost. I prefer things fixed at someone else's cost :unsure:
  13. I agree, merc's are not built like they used to be, and have a lot more to go wrong. However they are still built better than many. I have a friend with an E-class that has had a few trips to the dealer, but whereas 10years ago you only visited the dealer when it wouldn't run, this is due to faults with the heated electric seats. Don't have those on the vaneo so not too worried! The engine is actually quite "old fashioned" - little 8v 1.6 with peak torque down at 2500rpm... I have a two year warranty roadside assist thrown in with it, so if it has too many issues in it's first year I shall just sell it with a years warranty left. I'll stick around and keep you updated if you don't mind - there are not many "little van" forums! :unsure:
  14. Well I've only had a test drive so far, but basically very quiet and a very "positive" feel to the controls... very stiff (almost sports) suspension with soft seats. Sat at the lights and all you can hear is the fan.... knock the fan off and you just can't hear the engine. Sound insulation is very very good. Steering is quite low geared, really "connected" and direct, where the berlingo feels nimble and light footed, ther vaneo feels heavy but darting, if that makes sense. A berlingo has a few creaks, not creaky, but you feel movement and flex, whereas the vaneo feels rigid. The plastics are definately a step up from Citroen's, and I am a sucker for the nice soft leather wheel and gearshift. Switches have very little movement, "click" rather than the push and click of Citroen (or even my skoda). I love Citroens (have owned two) and often heard complaining that as they have improved build quality they have lost character. The Vaneo is almost the evolution of that thinking, fantastically built, but absolutely zero character. My ZX rattled and clanged and squeaked n creaked, but was fantastic fun. The vaneo is very much a "tool for the job" and I can't imagine getting attached to it. We shall see.... :unsure:
  15. Insurance is £40 more... MPG is similar to the cit 1.6, maybe a touch better (is a slippery thing it has to be said).. servicing is included in the two year warranty deal I got with it. That initial depreciation is huge, I feel sorry for whoever bought it new! :blink: I'm paying 8k for it, so it's lost nearly 53%!
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