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  1. Hi i am a new member to this sight and i have had no luck with cars ie 6 cars in the last 18 months. my first car was a citreon bx 1.9 tdi very nice untill someone wrote it off and then verious sheds on wheels and now have decided to go back to a citreon xantia. Its a M reg 1.9 tdi hatchback with only 67,000 on the clock perfect inside and out and only £380 with a years M.O.T as well what a steel. The only thing is and i hope it is nothing to worry about is there is a slight tapping from the front passenger side wheel i think and i want some advise . There is no leeks as far as i can see and the pumps seem in good order but i want to know if i need to top up with hydrolic fluid or how to keep this amazing car amazing. Thanks and hope to hear soon. :blink:
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