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  1. jryan


    Thanks wozza, You were kind enough to give the link b4 but the vosa site dont match the citroen codes and i was hoping someone ould tell me more about each one.
  2. jryan


    Hello group, I got a letter from Citroen today about my car needing the following realls. XWZ XXL, XXM, XYD XYN. I dont know if it is 5 different recalls or 3 due to their punctuatuion! lol Does any one know what these cades are?? I know from previous posts XYD is to avoid starting issuses.
  3. i had to condense a little as i could only post 10 lines. I maybe should have done one for petrol and another for desil??
  4. Undoutidly your car does look great and the painted side plasticy bits also look the bollocks! I need to save and get that done also!
  5. Your spoilier is very interesting, what made you get a vts one and not another after market one?? to keep the car looking factory??
  6. Lets see if we can find out what is the most popular trim level!
  7. Hello team! Has anyone else noticed that the boot of the c4 coupe seems to be colliding with the paint work when it closes. both my c4 coupes have had go go back to get bodywork carried out. This may be a fault that citroen needs to do a recall on if i am not the only one effected!
  8. Ha Ha!! I fixed the washers!!! It was a blown fuse!!
  9. hi, No i dont have parking sensors so would it have to be an after market unit then?
  10. Hello all, Is it possable to fit the bluetooth head unit into my C4?? If so will it fit in without any mods needin done?? Is there any other alternitaves about for me to try?
  11. Hi, I think it is grest!! When i picked it up it had half a tank and showed 365 miles till empty!!!!! woo hoo!!! I do have one snag tho, the windscreen washers dont work they need to order a new pump! lol i must be just unlucky! lol
  12. Hello, As some might remember i had an issue with my service spanner light always being on even after 2 services in one week by citroen glasgow and 4 other trips to get a so called download that had no effect! Well i had enough and have haggled a deal for a 55 plate 8k miles 1.6hdi vtr+ coupe! only an extra £15 per month and its a higher spec!
  13. Thanks for all the posts. Do you think i have grounds for rejection?? I think i want them to change the car!
  14. Hello, You may recall that i posted a month ago stating that my 05 C4 VTR 1.6 what i had just purchased at the time, service spanner light kept coming on and that the dealer had assured me had been serviced( i did see the job card so they were telling the truth). Well it is now going back for a fourth time to get the same problem fixed. Every time i take it in they have either serviced it again and reset the thing or just reset the thing and checked for errors on the diagnosicts!!! It works until the second or third time you start it and then forgets! For example i get in and turn on the ignition and it displays "20000" a couple of starts later it displays "0" then after you drive it it starts going "-50" "-100" etc. It also displays in KM until is starts then reverts to MPH!!! Has anyone any suggestions i can give to Citroen Glasgow on friday when i next go in its driving me mad!!!!
  15. jryan


    Hello, I have noticed that when starting my C4 from cold the tappets appear to rattle a hell of a lot. Is this normal for the range?? Does anyone elso notice this??
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