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Derek C5

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  1. If you search for it then click the date, it will work on topics going back years.
  2. Hi everyone I have just bought a C5 VTX+ 1.6 HDi with 91,000 on the clock. The handbook says to change the cam belt at 150,000 but all other engines it has 100,000. Can anyone confirm this or is it a typo in the hand book? Derek
  3. Hi Bob, I am new here and was about to give up because all the links came up with 404. I found that if you click on the date on the right hand side instead of the topic it works and takes you directly to the correct thread. Derek
  4. Hi I would advise to back up regularly, keep a copy of all your pictures on your external drive. It would be worth backing up your favourites as well. Derek
  5. Hi Les the reply I received from eurovan 2 forum: Only RT5, RT6 and RNEG does have bluetooth. Its a shame as they have so many other useful features. Derek
  6. hi I have searched the forum and EV2 Forum but I can't find the answer, can someone help please? I have just bought an 06 plate C5 with RT3, I updated it today to software 6.63 The manual says there is bluetooth but my phone can not find it, is there a way I can tell if I have bluetooth? If there is bluetooth is the NaviDrive to look for the phone or the phone to look for the NaviDrive? Sorry if this is a stupid or old question. Thanks, Derek.
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