Hi All, Not sure if anyone can help, but now the winter nights are setting in (bringing with it the usual rain), I am finding that my headlights do not seem to be very bright and my windscreen wiper is pretty useless! The headlights seem to be OK on close inspection (if a tad dim) with no damage to the reflectors whatsoever. The windscreen wiper blade was replaced only 5 months ago, but as the blade sweeps across the screen, it momentarily smears the screen in patches (mostly where I need to have good vision). You might appreciate that the constant smearing, although only lasting a second or so, is actually quite dangerous, as the blade travels across the screen every 1.5 seconds, so I only get clear(ish) vision for about 0.5 seconds! I have cleaned the windscreen thoroughly, I have also applied that antismear stuff, but the vision remains the same before and after! 3 thoughts I had were that the windscreen is causing this issue (doubtful), the blade needs replacing (only did that 5 months ago) or the spring in the wiper mechanism has lost its tension. I'm loathe to take it to a repair agent as I'm worried that they'll tell me that the windscreen, the wiper motor, the wiper mechanism and the blade all needs replacing!