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About Bry

  • Birthday 12/06/1941

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  1. What was the End results
  2. If its the auto then the whole part is as one the lever is in the control box and the whole is held together with long revits drilled these out to find how this worked, and the unit is activated by small micro swithches had to have this one replaced due to not getting reverse, that was a real pain, went well after this was replaced, cost of unit was approx 100 plus euros plus fitting
  3. May sound daft but is the wheel arch covers dropping down and rubbing have the same type of sound on doing a right turn as there is no sump cover, and the inner plastic comes away slightly and the wheel just rubs it,it does leave a black mark but only just, bit late to reply but only visit infrequntly, as there has been no reply as to a fix thought i would reply
  4. Hi I also had the stearing rack leak, citroen Carcasonne gave me 2 o rings of 2 differant colours and size but in the end i had a replacement rack fitted by a freind, bought from Euro parts, another freind had the same trouble,with a 2009 modle, but had to go to citroen as the newer modle is fixed on differantly, mine is a 2007,10000mls non Citroen garages would not touch the new modle as this replacement could need cutting off due to corrosion apart from the sub frame having to be removed, This is only what i have been told so dont take this as gosple :)
  5. If I remember you wil need to hold down the button on the dash for a few seconds this will also change to km no harm done to push a few buttons sometimes
  6. Could also be the foot brake switch
  7. Hi could also be the the circit board that the gear leaver is part of, you will need a dianostic test unfortunatly to find the problm
  8. Hi could be the wires from the screen close roof look at the cables on both sides of the screen these can break or it could be the micro switches test that there is a lectric supply coming through, other things are roof not closing this can be solved by using a screw driver in the hole in the back screen panel, push and twist this wont work if the screen is skew wift if so you need to remove panel to get at the motor remove this and the drive pinon square roof up to shut, USE only silicon grease on the roof sliders use a smll paint brush on the chanels hope this is of some help Bry
  9. Can use diluted Amonia as instuctions works a treat then use a can of foam cleaner to finish
  10. Had the problm on a plureil i bought on E/B, Made a Key up, was a 20 mill socket then did a male female pattern with some plastic then had a freind weld some round nails inside to match the pin slots had to cut slots on the out side of the socket to weld in the pins in place, Best to use a hand Impact driver to release the nuts unless you have an air impact tool, rmoved all four but did wreck the pins and socket on the last one, trouble with a socket or a brace there is not enough preasure put on the nut and they ride off , so make sure you take the numbers of the locking key and put indoors, saves a lot of time and money, another thing to check when buying another car that you have the key
  11. I have Dec 07 c5 1500vtx 113000 had leaky stering rack, French citroen garage said replace the o rings one slighly smaller than the other and differant coulors, but decided to exchange the rack, no leaks, only the hesitation to sort could be the turbo vac solinoid or the egr but can manage that till i have time to fix It
  12. Bry

    Roof Repairs

    ONLY use Silicon Grease on the sliders and gear wheel, any thing else at your Peril
  13. Go on EBAY there are always some on there, some might not post collect only Best of luck
  14. Bry

    Roof Repairs

    ADD to the above. There is another way to fix the roof thats by removing the plastic, covering the rear winding mechanism, then remove the three large screws and the 4th small screw from the drive motor and pull out, this will expose the drive gear that sits in between the cables, remove this by just prising up one of the cables just enough to remove it, this will allow the roof to move firmly but not loosely, if the roof is jammed then this is the only way, the sliders are just on spring loaded pins or clips so there will be tension when trying to move the roof but this should allow you to close the roof if jammed open, Bry
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