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Everything posted by Penguin

  1. Any chance of posting some links to these websites you have mentioned? Could be useful to a numebr of people (me included!) Cheers Penguin
  2. Has anyone bought one of these clips recently as another forum I noticed online has said they have stopped selling them (early 2007) due to them breaking clutch cables. My clip broke yesterday and its going to cost a fair few quid to replace in labour and I don't really want to replace the clutch just yet until I'm sure the car is worth spending the money on. I also don't want to have to pay for a new plastic clip to be fitted and then have to pay again when it breaks again! In response to Citroen putting the bolt in the wrong way around I assume that it's because they didn't think to turn it around when going from lhd to rhd. Cheers Edit: Just to confirm I have phoned CGS and they no longer manufacture said clip.
  3. OK, got the LHM changed but now have a rather strange problem. When I switch the engine on the suspension drops before sitting at the correct level for driving. I was pretty sure it was the front end doing it but this evening it was definitely the rear that dropped, so either I was mistaken before or both ends are affected. I'm assuming something wasn't done correctly when changing the fluid. I have done a couple of Citrobics and that seems fine. Any ideas?
  4. Thanks for the info Colin. If anyone else can add more to this debate please don't be shy... Presumably, those of you that have flushed your system will then have had to empty all the flush out before refilling with LHM?
  5. This is mainly aimed at Colin but all help appreciated. In the above post that tells how to empty and clean the tank, filters etc, will that remove all of the fluid or will there still be some in the sytem elsewhere? Also, should the car be in any particular position suspension wise? and does it have to be done on level ground, not much of that around here? As you know I have just bought a Xantia and I took a look at the fluid today and it was a rather nasty yellowy brown. The steering is a tad on the heavy side, not too bad but heavier than my extremely light Imprezza. Ooh, I almost forgot, how much fluid do you put in roughly? 1l, 5l, 10l? Cheers Penguin
  6. Cheers RD. Doesn't it have to be done by a citroen dealer then?
  7. Sorry to hijack this thread but I bought a Xantia on Friday and one of the key blippers works and the other one doesn't. Both have the little red led come on when depressing the button so I assume that the switch isn't broken and the battery has some life? Any thoughts? Cheers Penguin
  8. Cheers guys that has deffo helped! Aircon would explain it nicely. My model is aircon-less. Phew! I was beginning to feel I had been ripped off (although I'm not sure how!). Thanks again. As for the brakes, maybe I wasn't describing the feeling well. I think that the 'problem' is due to little travel and 'feel' through feedback. Certainly seems to stop well. Haven't tried to see if it has ABS yet :D will wait until I get the road tax sorted before trying anything too extravagant! The car is registered under the disabled tax class so its a bit of a faff getting Road Tax, but will hopefully have it sorted by middle of next week and then I can enjoy getting to know my new Xantia. She certainly feels a far more refined animal that my now deceased ZX. Thanks again for all your help Penguin.
  9. I have just completed the (Ebay) purchase of a 1995 Citroen Xantia 1.9TD. It drove home very nicely, brakes are a bit spongey but that could be Xantias as I've never driven one before. Other than that it appeared fine. When I got it home I opened up the bonnet and looked at the engine and it didn't seem to match up to the drawing in the owners handbook. In the drawing there is quite a lot of 'Gubbins' in fromt of teh fuel pump whereas on mine the Bosch pump can be clearly seen without much in front of it. Can anyone think of a reasonabe explanation for this disparity? Cheers Penguin EDIT: I have been looking around on Ebay and found pictures in some of the listings.Item no: 120239254545 has an engine layout that looks like ours but Item Nos: 160222970830 and 170203404182 have configurations like those shown in the handbook. Can anyone shed any light on the difference?
  10. I'll have to try and test that theory out Colin. Thanks
  11. Judging by what the guy said on the phone it is a similar situation to the ZX i.e. no rhyme or reason to it! Only way to tell is either to look at the pump (obviously) or ring your local dealer's parts department quoting the chassis number. They should be able to tell from that.
  12. Just phoned the local Citroen dealers and spoke to their servicing department who told me that not all XUD engined Xantias have Bosch pumps. There are some lucas ones out there as well. So best to check before buying if you are particular which one you want.
  13. Oh, I thought they were the same as the ZX i.e. some Bosch and some Lucas with no way of telling (without looking) which is which. THanks for that info. ....and yes, that is exactly the scenario!
  14. Hi all I am after a ZX or Xantia diesel, but I would like one with a Bosch pump (I have my reasons!). There is a Xantia for sale on eBay which is a fair trot from my home and so not worth visiting just to check the pump type but close enough to collect if I buy it. I have asked the seller to see if they can check what pump type it is but they have told me that there is no name on it but it does have these numbers on one side 6350 011 and 100995N and on the other side 861 3344 then 1 or D 80 (they are unsure on the last bit as they couldn't quite make it out). Can any of the Citroen experts out there help me out as to whether this is a Bosch or Lucas pump? I have tried googling for an answer but came up blank Cheers Penguin
  15. Get yourself here http://www.vegetableoildiesel.co.uk/ and read all about the benefits and pitfalls
  16. Thanks for the info and offers guys. Shemer I assume you are talking about a petrol engine (re spark plugs) whereas this one is a diesel. The damage was already done before I tried to restart as it was misfiring before it cut out. Iannez, thanks for the offer, I live in Torbay which is usually miles away from anyone! I don't have the equipment, space or know-how to change an engine myself and I'm thinking the costs may be prohibitive? Even if you are local (which is doubtful). But the offer really is appreciated though. The car has done 165,000 and rattled quite a lot, the gearbox I think was nearing the end of its life as it was difficult to use particularly when cold so I'm not really sure the effort to revive it would be worthwhile even though the bodywork is in excellent condition considering its age.
  17. Thanks for the reply Colin. I don't have the facilities or knowledge to have a look myself and I reckon I'll be better off scrapping it and getting something else rather than getting the engine replaced. The car cost me £200 and it will be well in excess of that to get a replacement engine installed.
  18. Hi Had problems last night due to the floods. Think I may have got water in one of the cylinders as I forded a particularly deep bit of flooding. The car cut out, but I eventually managed to get it started but it was only running on, at most, 3 cylinders and producing large clouds of black smoke! Discussing this today with one of the guys at work (who knows a thing or two about engines), he reckons the conrod would have bent/broke due to not being able to compress the water in the cylinder. How easy/expensive would this be to fix? As the car cost me £200 is it better just to write it off? Cheers Penguin
  19. Crap dash layout in the ZX. When sitting normally the main beam indicating light is hidden behind the steering column :rolleyes:
  20. Managed to get the seat out with the help of a local mechanic. Jeez what a faff! Found the probem and managed to get the seat back in, in the fully back position. It will probably fail again so I am just going to leave it in the back position.
  21. Thanks for the info guys. I guess I'll just have to make do with a key! I suppose, in theory, I could get a matched set from a scrappy and replace the receiver behind the dome? Anyway, thanks again
  22. Hi all My recently acquired ZX Aura 1.9d appears to have a remote locking sensor housing in the roof but there was no mention if remote locking from the seller of the thing. Did the Aura have remote locking? Is the sensor housing a dummy? If it is fitted, can I get a transmitter that will work? Cheers for all the help so far.
  23. Thanks for the tip but I'm pretty confident that it's not a force issue as I recruited one of the strongest guys at my work to try and move it and we still came up blank! It definitely 'feels' like the catches aren't releasing and I'm hoping to be able to get the seat removed at the end of this week as I'll be off work for Christmas break.
  24. Thanks for the tips. I'll try and give it a go at the weekend - weather permitting :rolleyes:
  25. I believe it is number 1. According to my owner's manual I should just pull up on the handle and that should enable the seat to move, I haven't tried turning it counter clockwise. When I pull up on it I don't get the feeling that anything is disengaging. Do you know what normally breaks on these to cause this and is it repairable? Thanks for any help. Penguin
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