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Everything posted by Penguin

  1. Hi My 1.9D Aura is supposed to have a sliding rear seat but it is stuck in the forward position. Has anyone had a similar problem with their ZX and know what caused it? I have googled for the problem but their were no hits, so maybe I am the first person ever to experience this problem? :rolleyes: Cheers
  2. I can still get veg oil at 60p/l (I have a trade card) and I think I can get a supply of used, cleaned veg oil for 35p/l. Even at 60p/l that's a little more than half price. The problem with the price of veggie is in a small part due to the increased uptake by diesel owners, but in the main due to the really poor harvest this year due to the inclement summer. When the weather starts to warm up again I think I will probably have a go at running 10% veg, maybe up it to 20% if that goes well, even with a Lucas pump.
  3. Because I'd like to run the car on a Veg Oil/Diesel mix. Many Zxs have been successfully run on Veg oil but the Bosch pump is far more tolerant than the more delicate Lucas version.
  4. Jeez, I think I'll give it a miss then. It would be cheaper just to ditch the car and buy another one with a Bosch pump fitted. I don't really understand why they made the same models with different pumps? It doesn't really make much sense to have to carry 2 lots of parts for the same model of car does it? Thanks for the prompt reply Penguin
  5. Hi I am new to Citroen ZX Diesel ownership having picked up a 1994 model for £200. It currently has a Lucas pump and I was wondering how feasable it would be to change this to a Bosch one? Anybody done this before? Is it possible? Cheers Penguin
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