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Everything posted by stupid

  1. its sorted I rang a man witha van and he drained it in 30 mins I then filled the car to the brim and it seems fine bargain only £170 for cash ;)
  2. I have no way of measuring the battery, but it seems to turn over ok , it is an estate 2002 2000hpi I use the remote to open the car and sometimes the passenger door will not open and has to be opened from the inside of by using the key from the outside of the car, could this be the peoblem . I have noticed this is getting worse as this morning I had the same problem and it was not below freezing ;)
  3. yes I have everything else working fine , i think the car thinks its been broken into as its the imobilser that sgowsa fault, but im not sure how the door entry systems and imobliser work , my thoughts are that something freezes and a contact is not made
  4. the car wont start and the engine managment system light will not come on , also the blower on hearter will not work.. it will start after 10mins of messing with door locks , this only happens when we ahve a frost any ideas doug
  5. yup I have put Petrol in my diesel C5 anyone have any ideas how one gets it out.. its abouy 30 litres many thanks Doug
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