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Everything posted by lawser

  1. lawser

    Given Up

    Thanks dave, From what i can understand this relates to a cylinder head sensor possibly being duff.....So how in fact do Citroen deduce from this that it's the High Pressure Fuel Pump ? Now i'm confused ;)
  2. lawser

    Given Up

    Just back from Citroen and everything points towards the High Pressure fuel pump............£120 for the diagnostics, fault codes P1288 & P1294, in total i'm looking at £708.25 ! ;) Add that to the £550 from the garage for changing the dephaser.....it's a lot of dosh ! :unsure: A can of petrol would be a cheaper option !
  3. lawser

    Given Up

    Cheers Steve, i know what you mean...Unfortunately i'm near Aberdeen & we don't have too much choice dealer wise....although having said that the dealer here hasn't been bad in the past when i've needed information. I think they charge nearer the £80 mark but it will be money well spent if i get a solution to the problems, Lawser
  4. lawser

    Given Up

    Ok I've finally given up on my local garage :unsure: ....They have finally admitted they don't have a clue ! Going over to the Dark Side :ph34r: & taking the car to Citroen for a diagnostic check ! Might have to sell the wife and kids ! ;)
  5. Thanks for that techbod, Not a lot i can do as the service has been done and defazer replaced already on their advice.....I have complained bitterly about the running of the car since the service, although on a more positive note it's sounding a lot less like a diesel now, perhaps they were on the right track ! They are recommending a new coil pack now but i tend to disagree with that on the basis of what i see on this forum......I have a second hand coil coming on Monday from my local garage (Non citroen) to let me try out and see if their is any difference in performance...I guess from the result of that it should point me in the right direction either way ! Thans again for the help, lawser
  6. I've just had the Camshaft Defazer replaced, as apparently this was the cause of the " diesel sounding engine ".....It does sound far better but i still have the hesitant acceleration, which seems to trip the limp home mode at times !...But that is food for thought.....The car was fine until i put it in for a service...Just makes you think <_<
  7. Had a quick look, unfortunately there's a heat shield of some kind that makes access impossible and i can't work out how this is removed as i can't see what holds it on.....Roll on the Haynes manual ! Once again thanks for the help, lawser
  8. The car has just been serviced and new filter fitted, so i think i can rule out the filter being dirty....I'm always dubious of garages and check things like that. But that makes more sense to me now...I've been looking around the front of the engine :) Cheers, lawser
  9. Thanks for the advice techbod, Had a good look today but try as i might i cannot locate the valve, don't suppose you have a picture of where it may be located ? Another funny thing also, whenever i remove the air filter and replace it, it seems to reset the service lights :) Any suggestions ? Cheers, lawser
  10. Hi Folks, My '03 C5 2.0 HPI Exclusive estate with just under 40,000 on the clock has just started with a lot of the faults described on the forum. The main one now seems to be the hesitation on accelerating, which then seems to kick the car into the old Anti pollution fault that seems so common, which then throws up the ESP fault and then goes into limp mode. From what i see on the forum is it worth my while finding the EGR valve and replacing/ cleaning...Does the petrol version of the C5 even have the elusive EGR valve ? :) Or do i look for the nearest Quarry ?
  11. Many thanks for the advice :( Found the guilty party and replaced with new resistor pack....Works like new again ...Now if only i could sort the other problems out :)
  12. Hi There, I have an 03 plate HPI Exclusive Estate showing the same symptoms. I had a quick look tonight after work, the only panel i could see was just left of the clutch at the side and bottom of the centre console, would this be the right one ? There seemed to be a lot of wires although i didn't have enough time or light to look enough. Any help appreciated, cheers, lawser
  13. After just having my 2003 HPI exclusive serviced the garage reckoned that my Camshaft Defaser needed replacing, now from what little i understand this controls the fuel injection timing. Fair enough the car certainly is a lot quieter now...no longer sounds like a diesel but ever since the service the car hesitates on accelerating and since this defaser has been replaced it certainly is smoother but still hesitates quite badly at times on accelerating. They now reckon i may need a new coil.....Does this sound right ? Also to cap it all off my AC and heating has packed in, the blower seems to have given up the ghost , the electronic controls seem to respond but when i try to increase the fan power the electronic display for the fan goes back to zero. Help......Not a problem for two years and all of a sudden Wham ! I also get the old antipollution fault appearing on a regular basis...any way of resetting this ? Any help appreciated, lawser
  14. Thanks, i'll have a look tomorrow ! lawser
  15. Looking for some advice on wiring up my towbar for a trailer....basically lights and indicators ! I have a 2003 C5 Estate, i have found behind the trim in the boot on the drivers side what looks like a factory fitted wiring harness coming from the light cluster, with a 7 multipin citroen connection, 5 wires white, 1 grey & one greenish in colour. Can i fit my towbar connections to this or can anyone offer any help with colour codes or best side of the car to tackle the wiring from ? Also do i need a bypass relay ? Thanks, lawser
  16. Does anyone know what extras would be standard on an 03/53 exclusive HPi 2.0 estate ? The manuals do say dependant on country regarding things like parking assist & folding mirrors but i thought they were standard on exclusive models or would that be the SE ? Thanks, Paul
  17. Thanks i just wondered how i would stand regarding the warranty & Yeah the car only has 13,000 miles on the clock......You just never know !
  18. Does anyone know where & if you can get the lights for the front valance. They are round & fit under the number plate at each side in the grill. Cheers, Paul
  19. Looking to buy a 2003/53 C5 from a non franchised dealer. My question is if anything should go wrong with the car or a recall is needed & with 9 months of the Citroen warranty left will i still be covered under Citroen ?
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