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  1. LOL so thats why it peeps all the time ! Got a curtersty car when u go over 30 it peeps at u i thought it was because the temp was below freezing!! what im i like
  2. Flitwick, Id love to know what type of driving you do ie town/ city country roads motoways etc because im getting worrid new brakes every 2 years ish! Because i have just got a cit berlingo and my last motor was a landy defender 80,000 miles disc all round never replaced and pads only on the front at about 62,000 miles had her from new 7 years old
  3. Clanixion, This sounds so familer im now at the stage where the dealership cant sort the prob would you mind PM me to let me know how you got on and if the comms unit sorted the prob (im now on comms num 3, No 4 just been ordered !)many thanks
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