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  1. Hi everyone. I'd like to ask if any of the users here know of any other Berlingo forums. I followed the links provided in a previous post but most of them were either dead or in a foreign language. It has struck me as strange that there does not seem to be much in the way of an internet community for Berlingo owners, especially as we're all so friendly in the 'real' world. I know we have this forum but finding this site took me 3 days! I have heard a lot of the regulars here say that the old forums were busier but I was not around then. What was it about the old forums that were different and where did the people migrate to? If there are no other english sites, do you belive there would there be an interest in having a site designed primarily for Berlingo owners? What sort of content would you appreciate on that type of site? What common interests do Berlingo owners share (apart from their cars)? Mine include camping/UK travel, saving money (vouchers, coupons etc), and general chit chat about what's happening in the news etc. What about you?
  2. Can anyone help me with my Berlingo radio? I have an 03 model berlingo for which I have manged to buy a manual from eBay but I have no clue how to work the radio settings. I would like to program my favourite stations into the radio and replace the stations which are programmed already (it's difficult to tune into Scottish stations down here in Liverpool). Could someone tell me how I do this? Thanks.
  3. Windows shouldn't make any difference, but you'l get the "3 beeps warning" (depending on software version) if: Your seatbelt isn't fastened A door/boot is open There is less than 10 litres of fuel in the tank Cheers f'Now! TronX Hmmmnn... Well, I must admit that the 3 beeps have come back! :D They are there only sometimes though. It can't be the fuel as I have half a tank. It could be the seat belt or the door. I'll try both and let you know!
  4. Hi all, got my Berlingo back from the dealers on Saturday and on the display screen it now reads "eco-mode" when I put the key into the ignition. What on earth is this and what is it for? (I don't have a manual) Thanks
  5. Hi Terry, Just wanted to say thanks again for the advice on the "3 beeps" issue. It turned out that my drivers side window wasn't all the way up (it was about 3mm down) :D Berlingo sure is pedantic about safety! :(
  6. Thanks Terry! I'll go check all the doors now! P.S. Hasn't anyone scanned the manual and made an electronic version available yet?
  7. Well, I'm still loving the Berlingo, and dare I say it; it's the best vehicle I have ever driven. Everyone who has seen it thinks that it's great too. I have some questions about my 2003 model Berlingo though and hope that (well, actually I know that) the users here can give me some answers! :D 1. When I start the ignition, after waiting for the coils to warm up (I have the diesel engine), and then starting up the car I get 3 beeps sounds coming from the dashboard. There are no lights on the dashboard telling me something is wrong and the car runs smoothly. Is it "3 beeps = good" or should I be worried (I don't have the owners manual yet)? 2. I would have loved to get the comfort pack installed, but the previous owner must have been tight with their cash! As I mentioned in a previous post I found the modubox shopping trolley in Poundstretcher for £10. What I would love now is to get some fold down tables on the back of the 2 front seats (and armrests too if it's not pushing it!). Firstly the armrests, can i buy them from Citroen and just fit them myself? Surely all of the front seats were made with the holes ready for the armrests, or am I mistaken? Secondly, the foldown tables. From the pictures I have seen, it appears that the tables are literally built into the chairback :( so there is no chance of me fitting them to the standard chairs I have...if that is the case, does anyone have any idea where I can buy generic seatback tables for cars? I have googled like crazy. I cannot believe that not one person has invented or manufactured a generic seat back table! Can anyone help me on that score? 3. How does the Berlingo handle in icy conditions? Is there anything I should be aware of or any tips I should be aware of? 4. Does owning a Berlingo give you automatic rights to join the Berlingo owners club? I've been stopped twice already by people admiring my Berlingo (it's white with tinted windows). Both enquirers owned Berlingos themselves and were commenting on how surpisingly great it looked in white (which admittedly it does; much to my surprise)! Must say too, that both enquirers were very friendly and lovely people. Just like on here. I'm beginning to believe that Berlingos are only driven by nice people! 5. My documents shelf is under my drivers seat (and the passenger seat does not have one). Is this normal for an 03 model? Finally, number 6. I had never even test driven a Berlingo before buying one (I wanted one THAT much) and I am finding it is a bit like a 'tardis'. It is soooo big once you're inside (bigger than anything I've ever driven). Forget looking in caves, someone should tell George Bush to search for a Citroen Berlingo parked up somewhere in Afghanistan! I've been working on reverse parking my Berlingo over the last 3 days and I still cannot get the hang of it. I could park my old Suzuki Swift without any problems, and the VW Polo and even the classic RangeRover. I'm seriouslt thinking about getting one of those parking sensors to help me judge the rear of the vehicle. Before I do, is this a good idea, are there any recommendations and are there any tips until it is installed? Thanks everyone.
  8. Thanks for the super quick reply Dickie. With the lights I meant the little reading lights that come on when you unlock the car. The Berlingo I have is the Mutispace 03 edition so not as many toys as the latest one, but loads when you compare it to driving a Suzuki Swift. Out of interest, I couldn't find one with one those funky trolleys (modubox?) but today in Instore (the company that used to be called Poundstretcher) they had some in for a tenner! They're grey and blue and very well built (of course I picked one up). Thanks. (I have loads more questions but my other half is glaring at me as my dinner is going cold. Be back soon. :D
  9. Well, I'm thrilled with the Berlingo. Only problem is that I do not have the manual (it's being sent in the post and should reach me by next week). In the meantime, does anybody know where I can download an electronic version of the manual (perhaps in .pdf format or similar)? In particular I would like to find out how the following works: 1) Automatic door locking and how I switch this feature on? 2) Follow me home headlamps; mine seem to desert me as soon as I switch them off! 3) What the 3 switch positions on each of the lights are for and finally, any other neat tricks my Berlingo can be programmed to do (and how to program them). I'm showing the car off this evening to some friends who have said they may buy one based on what they see. I want the Berlingo to perform as many tricks as possible! :D Thanks everyone.
  10. Hello everyone. It's my first time here and I am GRINNING :D from ear to ear. I can hardly write as I am so excited! I'm not nuts (honest); my first Berlingo is arriving at 10AM today (it's now 2.38AM). I literally cannot sleep. I feel like a kid on Christmas Eve. I have never been excited about getting a car in my life! I am so glad I found this forum. I can now type Berlingo faster than any cowboy in the west thanks to the amount of searching I had to do on Google to find this place. I almost gave up to be honest, but I'm glad I didn't. I've been admiring the Berlingo for a while now and promised myself that when my present car was 3 years old I would consider the Berlingo as my next vehicle. The anticipation of waiting for my car to age a bit sometimes drove me around the bend. The more and more I read about the Berlingo, the more and more I wanted one. Well, finally, my car is 3 years old. I couldn't afford a new Berlingo and to be honest, I've only bought new twice in my life and promised I'd never do it again because of depreciation. I have never owned a Citroen before either. I've jumped into the Berlingo club by purchasing the (old) new shape Berlingo Desire 1.9D, registered December 2002, with 28,000 miles and full service history for £4,550. I have a feeling that I may have the bargain of the year (the dealer had the car down as the old 02 model spec and I did not inform him of his error until after I'd paid up). It's being dropped off at 10AM today and I cannot wait to drive it. God I hope the dealer hasn't ripped out the multiplex wiring and sprayed my bumpers black! :lol: I have a feeling that I'm going to back here with lots of different questions about my Berlingo over the next fortnight, and I am relying solely on you lot to prevent me from making any awful mistakes. If everything I have read and heard about the Citroen Berlingo is true, here's to a long and happy relationship between Citroen and me. Thanks for reading! P.S. I am soooooo excited! :blink: :unsure: :blink:
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