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Everything posted by normsta_2001

  1. I am wondering if anybody has any idea why my airbag light comes on randomly? it has just started over the past couple of months I have a Xsara Picasso 02 Plate if this helps any. Thanks
  2. I have recently bought an 02 picasso (which i am very happy with) that came with a factory fitted cassette player, I want to replace the cassette player with a cd payer and have heard that i will need a vin code to get it to work properly in my car. my question is can i use an "off the shelf stereo" or would i be better buying a used factory fitted cd player from another picasso? will i still be able to use my controls on my steering wheel and will my display still work properly? I have also heard that it would need vin coding, is this something i can do my self? if so how would i do it and what would i need and can i use the vin code that i have for my cassette player. If anyone on here can offer any advice it would be much appreciated. thanks norman
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