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  1. The Colt looks a nice car, and has more space, so I have to say you did the right thing. My parents have bought a C1 recently, but they had a perfect old banger to take advantage of scrappage. They still paid as much as I did a couple of years ago without the scrappage scheme.
  2. Unfortunately, exchange rates have affected the prices I think. I hope you are more lucky with this one :)
  3. That's very dangerous! I wouldn't drive the car again until you can be sure it won't happen again. Do you mean an extra mat on top of the carpet had moved, or is it the actual carpet that has caught on the pedals? If it is extra mats, they should hook over the metal spike in the drivers footwell just in front of the seat. This is there specifically to stop the mat moving forwards under the pedals. My mats stop well short of the pedals.
  4. downsman

    New Wheel

    By now you'll have realised it's a proper spare :) You could check ebay, because when people buy alloys they often want to sell the steel wheels to get some money back. Remember that the Aygo and 107 wheels are the same. A quick search showed some options. One of the ebay adds said the wheels are only £36 from a dealer, so for ease and peace of mind that's probably the best bet
  5. downsman

    Nemo In Glasgow

    Last time I visited our dealer I had a look at the Nemo. Not only is it a lot smaller than the Berlingo, but the quality is a lot worse as well. It's hard to believe someone would pay only £500 less than the Berlingo! It's a shame they've made a larger and smaller replacement for the Berlingo when the old one was just the right size :)
  6. I hope it isn't as bad as you fear. Any news yet?
  7. Very wise words. I'm pretty sure that was one of the tips given by Irv Gordon who has driven his Volvo P1800 more than 2.6 million miles: http://www.autoblog.com/2007/10/26/man-wit...-for-3-million/
  8. I'd hoped someone more knowledgeable would have answered this. I hope the fact that the sound goes away is a sign that it isn't something terminal, but it would seem sensible to visit your garage. I suppose you might have to leave it overnight so they can hear the noise though <_<
  9. This is what ColinC1 was saying in his "Beware Of Old Banger Bonus" thread. It seems that they have upped the price so that the price minus £2000 scrap discount is much the same as we were paying for a discounted C1 a year ago. All very well if you have an old banger to trade in, but it makes them look very expensive if you don't. I wouldn't have bought our C1 if it had been £8500 rather than the £6500 we paid.
  10. You've hit the nail on the head. The questions are often subjective, particularly now that cars don't often break down and fall to pieces. Toyota buyers believe they are buying a more expensive product because it is reliable. They are going to continue believing it's a good product until it proves otherwise. Unfortunately, in the UK a lot of Citroens sell because of discounted price. The buyers assume it is a cheaper product rather than the same car, and are looking for faults. I understand Toyota dealers are supposed to be good, and that has quite an effect on JD Power too. Having said that our dealer (Wilmoths) have always been excellent :)
  11. Welcome to the forum :( I'm sure you'll enjoy your C1, I've had mine for 18 months and it goes very well. It's fun through corners, but the best bit is at the petrol pumps :) I like the colour, and the facelift front is growing on me, is that blue at extra cost?
  12. Good point Colin ;) I've noticed C1s are being advertised at just over £6000 after the old banger discount. As we all know, that's what everyone was paying before the scheme. It is even worse than you say, because previously the cash came off the dealer/Citroen profit. Now we're all paying for the discounts in our taxes!
  13. Good idea, I'm planning to keep my C1 for a while, and the manual(s) I have for our Berlingo (AX and BX in the past) have been very useful ;)
  14. A nice bottle of beer would go down well too :)
  15. It's a kind offer, but I'm too far away as well ;)
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