People wanting advice on insurance topics. Here's some advice i will give freely. DO NOT insure with Hastings Direct. Had a minor bump on new years day, :( Hastings listened to my account, agreed i was not at fault. 3rd party lied saying i was at fault. Hastings & Albany Assist said "our hands are tied" Sent my car for repairs, written off & booked in to go to salvage. NO financial offer, NO prior warning. I Said I wanted car back as then very reliable. "OK have car back but not repaired, not written off". Claim in stalemate as no independant witnesses. My 3 passengers don't count then!!!!! Hastings never kept me up to date, never returned calls, don't answer e-mails, nothing. HASTINGS DIRECT ARE COMPLETE & UTTER USELESS SHITE HAWKS. (probably their other [5?] subsidiary companies are too) I went far beyond what was necessary to prove innocence, but a lying piece of scum has caused me major grief. Hastings do not care. BE WARNED PEOPLE OF THE ROAD... Pete.