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Everything posted by Stuey

  1. it happens more in nice areas as the cars tend to be worth quite a bit more than not so nice places. I live in one of those not so nice places and our car crime rates are lower than the posh new expensive estate nearby. I guess the old phrase "dont s**t where you eat" comes into play.
  2. yep the one you have is right mate. It is the only one that is fitted to any C4.
  3. How could you tell?? oh hang on... :blink:
  4. thats disgusting!!
  5. nothing like a bit of C4 roulette!
  6. Ebay is your friend for refils mate, there are loads on there and some different smells too
  7. The is loads of difference! The damp grip was better on the 16's as they had more nobbles than the exaltos but overall the grip is a lot better. they can quite happily do corners at 40-45 when the 16's where getting loose at 35. One thing that does bother me with the exaltos is the almost scary amounts of understeer when the road is damp and a bit greasy. I have found that being progressive with the steering helps but it still wants to go on the same roundabout at the same speed. The ride is the most noticable thing by far, it is now a lot harder but that is due to the lower profile on the tyres and I dont mind it to much, you just have to remeber that the speed bump I used to able to go over at 20 odd is now 10 max. Check the sig!
  8. yeah the car does have a lot of bells and whistles...it will keep you entertained for ages...Lee_mash's exclusive kept me and Wozza busy for ages when we had a play with it ;)
  9. just dont go round corners at the same speed you did with the old tyres...you will find that new tyres in general dont have the same grip levels anyway but if the tyres that they have fitted are the same as the ones I saw in the dealers the other day then you wont have as much grip when they are run in. If you dont go hair arsing round country lanes then you probably wont notice that much difference anyway. Stuey "trying to keep C4's out of hedges since 2005"
  10. dont let them put "what we had lying around" tyres on it. You are used to the the Exalto's and the extra grip they provide over "normal" road tyres. Pay the extra for the good stuff!
  11. Same for me, they wont let you leave the car there unless they have checked it over. mine went in twice in 2 days and they checked it both times.
  12. welcome aboard!! I have always liked that colour!
  13. looks good mate, now all you need is the spoiler and it will be complete! Harsh that it has been bird bombed already though :( The wipes you want are from Armorall and they are called "dashboard wipes, matt finish" or a pledge fluffy duster does the job if you keep on top of the cleaning.
  14. Stuey


    nip it back to the dealers mate, mine did it and they replaced it for me
  15. Stuey

    Car Tax

    thats quite an exceptional journey though...its not everyday you would undertake such a trip and for most at all. Most of us use our cars for the commute to and from work and for a blast at the weekends clocking up normally no more than 15-20K a year. Like I stated before if I was to use public transprt instead of the car it would double the cost and time and that double cost easily covers road tax making public transport a useless option for me now. Dont get me wrong, a lot of people can and do use public transport but personally it is not really an option anymore. There used to be 2 bus services that I could use but one has stopped running so the other comapny has ramped up prices as there is now no choice in the matter. The bus is good if you are going for a night on the bevvies. Lets be honest for a moment, how many people are going to notice a few extra quid on car tax??. I think it is £40 increase for the VTS's. People who have VTS's will probably have a bit more spare cash than people such as myself so £40 over the course of a year isnt going to make them consider selling the car. If the government want to make a killing on tax they should target supercars and larger 4x4's (range rovers and big monsters like that) as people who can afford to pay 75K plus on a car will not miss £500 for tax. I was having this discussion with a chap I know who has a bit of a collection of supercars and he was saying that £500 tax will barely be noticable when you take other costs of ownership into account.
  16. Stuey


    Hello left hand, this is right hand. I dont believe you have met :P
  17. Stuey

    Car Tax

    if I was to take the bus to work every morning it would cost me £4.90 a day. The bus should take 30 minutes to the stop I need but takes 40-45. It would be a 10 minute walk to get on and another 30 minute walk to actually get to work. So tha takes us to 3 hours a day for a 16 mile round trip. Bus fares per month-£98 hours travelled-60 Petrol per month-£43 hours travelled-30(in peak times) use public transprt they say!! Mr. Blair you use public transport and see how good it really is.
  18. I bought my wheels of a breaker and i think it is still listed. Search for Citroen C4 and he has the interior light listed for £1.99 but it says in the description that all of the cars parts are for sale.
  19. Which event you talking about??
  20. Stuey

    Car Tax

    yeah my 1.4 has gone up to £140. So we pay 2p a litre more on fuel and now £20 extra road tax and it is looking likely that nottingham and derby will be getting the lovely congestion charge too...ahh the joys of motoring on the 21st century!
  21. Stuey


    yeah im pretty sure they can be fitted to any C4...they are on the list of things to buy next time I go to the dealers...
  22. bit of both really Welsh!! I am impressed a Citroen tech saying their cars are good to drive!!
  23. Stuey


    S2000 should be well up any list for a soft top, the early cars are quite cheap now and you will have trouble free motoring from it forever no matter how badly you treat it...
  24. I will have to have me a set of them!! I will order them when I get my door sills off the VTS.
  25. Stuey

    Mmm Shiny

    there arnt that many places around here for photoshoots. The American Adventure theme park but they have flogged all the rides so it is a big empty hole in the ground...
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