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Everything posted by Stuey

  1. heres a random one for you, anyone else's wipers not wiping properly?? my drivers side has started to smear instead of wiping anyone got any tips to fix it?? another quick one, does anyone know if you could swap the passenger side blades over to the drivers side so you get a bigger clear area or do you think that they will meet in the middle??
  2. that does make you wonder if it is our imagination that makes the car feel better on the Optimax/Ultimate??
  3. not sure if it will help, if I took the course my insurance would go up nearly 500 quid. It may well help you being in the dodgy area...I think it is more for performance cars to be honest
  4. Theere is no theory of evolution, just a list of creatures Chuck Norris allows to live. When Chuck Norris goes to donate blood, he declines the syringe, and instead requests a hand gun and a bucket. There is no "I" in team. There is an "I" in Chuck Norris. ***oops*** you, team. In an average living room there are 1,242 objects Chuck Norris could use to kill you, including the room itself. Chuck Norris can win a game of Monopoly without owning any property. Chuck Norris has always been able to find Waldo, except for one time. He found himself stumped on the last page of Where's Waldo Now?, not being able to find the Waldo without a shoe. He threw the book down and screamed, "This is BULLSHIT!" They're all wearing shoes." He then proceeded to eat the book and exclaim, "IF I CAN'T FIND WALDO, THEN NO ONE CAN!" The book he ate belonged to a child. The child began to cry and Chuck ate him for good measure. The incident has since been refered to as Christmas. Chuck Norris is the reason why Waldo is hiding. Chuck Norris once beat Super Mario Bros 3 without even touching his Nintendo controller. He just yelled at his TV in between bites of his "Filet of Child" sandwich, and the game beat itself out of fear. Chuck Norris is the only man to ever defeat a brick wall in a game of tennis. Chuck Norris once walked down the street with a massive erection. There were no survivors! When Chuck Norris was born, the nurse said, "Holy crap! That's Chuck Norris!" Then she had had sex with him. At that point, she was the third girl he had slept with. When Chuck Norris jumps into a body of water, he doesn't get wet. The water gets Norris’d instead. Chuck Norris can set ants on fire with a magnifying glass. At night. Chuck Norris played Russian Roulete with a fully loaded gun and won. If you were to lock Chuck Norris in a room with a guitar, a year later you would have the greatest album ever, it would sweep the Grammy's. When asked why he doesn't do this Chuck replied "Because Grammy's are for queers." then he ate a knife to show the seriousness of his response. Chuck Norris coined the phrase, "I could eat a Horse" after he ate every last unicorn in existence. When Chuck Norris does a pushup, he isn't lifting himself up, he's pushing the Earth down. In fine print at on the last page of the Guiness Book of World Records it notes that all world records are held by Chuck Norris, and those listed in the book are simply the closest anyone has ever come to matching him. Chuck Norris can divide by zero. Chuck Norris's hair is too afraid of him to grow. It takes Chuck Norris 20 minutes to watch 60 Minutes. Magnetic compasses do not point toward true North - they point in the direction of Chuck Norris. You are what you eat. That is why Chuck Norris's diet consists entirely of bricks, steel, and the tears of small children.
  5. the only time I have done stuff like that on the road is when it was snowing so didnt knacker me tyres tonnes of fun though :blink:
  6. if you have been using bog standard fuel your injectors will have residue on them, if you are using Ultimate or Optimax it will clean them and you should notice the difference after the first tank...
  7. The Max Driver course is meant to be very good, it is run by IAM and saves you 25% on your insurance with Adrian Flux http://www.max-driver.com/ I have a track session book at Bruntingthorpe (the same place FCS is at) at the end of July. It is basically an introduction to performance driving. You start in an Evo then you work your way up to a Lambo Gallardo. I used to race when I was younger and I would eventually like to go back to it again.
  8. other drivers thats the problem with roads today!! I am a relativly new driver, passed about 7 months ago so all the road rules are still fresh in my head and some of the stuff you see is incredible, I cant believe that half of the drivers on the road are either dead or in prison!! mandatory test every 5 years is clearly the way forward IMHO
  9. its the other way round here!! optimax is about 99p and ultimate is 97p syrup you will have to let us know what it is like
  10. generally the higher the octane the better, I think Ultimate is 98 or 99. Might be worth running a couple of tanks of tesco through and see if makes any difference...
  11. that bus is awesome!! the ultimate sleeper vehicle!! some of the videos on there do beg the question where are the police?? I can garantee the first time I try anything like that on the road I will get busted!!
  12. I know they sell replacement stuff oh I know! some stupid woman ran into the back of me at the begining of Febuary sooo close to being a write off...they sell front wings too again some muppet decided his 4X4 needed to have a chat with me...
  13. im a BP ultimate man myself, its a bit cheaper (and the garage is round the corner) I do agree that chaepo supermarket petrol does make a world of difference I notice the performance differences straight away...
  14. www.streetfire.net has loads of cool car videos, its american so I wouldnt reccomend the forums but the vidoes are pretty cool. Their is a guy test driving a Bugatti Veyron which is rather cool -S-
  15. you put yours down to woman driver syndrome I put mine down to being a bit of a boy racer and the need to have that old bloke/bus/white van/impreza off the line :blink:
  16. you put yours down to woman driver syndrome I put mine down to being a bit of a boy racer and the need to have that old bloke/bus/white van/impreza off the line :blink:
  17. I assume that guy has a VTS?? the VTR doesnt have a visable exhaust so that must mean that their is loads of cutting to do?? very very tempting though...so is the lowering damn you wozza!!
  18. I too have the 1.4. Mine juddered a bit this morning but I put it down to quick start on a cold engine....looks like I am going to get another letter from Citroen :blink: quite a collection I have now
  19. Stuey

    C4 Remote

    the same as me again, if its nice the old bucket and sponge will come out. I'm a bit of a nazi when it comes to washing me baby, Auto Glym all the way baby! I was torn between Iridis and Blue...
  20. Stuey

    C4 Remote

    this one did have a spoiler at some point, there remnents of it's base still there. I agree there is definatly something lacking if they do not have a spoiler...£500!! thats madness, mine was £200 sprayed and fitted. What kind of crazy people use car washers?? no offense to people who do use them but your clearly mad (or like scratches, dirty wheels and dirty patches) I must admit they look sexy in the red, there is a bloke who works here with me who has olive green five door nasty colour+wrong shape=bad advert for a good car
  21. Stuey

    C4 Remote

    I did see one on the motorway clearly missing its spoiler, looked quite funny...
  22. Stuey

    C4 Remote

    there is a part of me that likes not having visable locks on the drivers door as this will hopefully make the pikeys think twice before they try and nick it... I find that dealers tend to fold quite easily if you apply some presure...I got my upgraded alloys free and free fitting on my spoiler (and the saleswomans phone number but thats another story :P ) now I just need to think of something as compensation for the re-calls that keep cropping up...
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