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  1. Just put mine on ramps
  2. Have an odb reader and app on my phone in Preston area if it's any help
  3. Yes it was the ride high mechanism had stuck a good dose of wd40 and its fine again though I did get a couple of people in the back to make sure it dropped
  4. That's why mine had done that
  5. For no reason on Sunday while driving around town the ride suddenly got bumpy as the back end lifted its self up. Stopped the car switched off and back on car leveled its self a couple minutes later did the same thing each time switch off sorts the issue out. Has any body any ideas as I'm thinking it may be the spheres need cleaning or am I barking up the wrong tree
  6. I've unplugged mine but now the stereo (aftermarket) won't play sound. Anyone any idea mk1 on a 51 plate
  7. Hi I'm alex I've just got a 2001 c5 and thought I'd pop in here as I'm bound to have some problems along the way I've been around various forums for a while so if you recognise the username I use it regularly on other warriors forums
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