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emmas xsara

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  1. cheers i'll check them out later. All diagnostic lights work and go out as they should, occasionally the Airbag light comes on, but that is because she has a broken drivers seat that catches the cables underneath it.
  2. Hi thanks for that, Is there any cheep readers on ebay that will work on this motor ? although the MAF is disconnected there is NO lights lit and even better it runs FAR better than when its plugged in. Not sure if 90 or 110 bhp. Yep thats the one, EGR.
  3. That's what we thought, we have ran the car dry a few times and put in varying amounts, but get different readings on the same amounts. Ie put in 20lts and sometimes it doesn't even turn off the fuel warning light, the next time it jumps to half a tank, totaly confusion...
  4. DOH... should have said at the start, it's a 2003 Xsara estate 2.0l. We've had a few problems with it besides the doors, including the starter circuit packing up. (I put in a push start button) and a replacement starter motor. The Turbo blanking plate thingy, some prob with the MAF, (Just disconnected that and it works brill) and now an intermittent fuel gauge..
  5. no, nothing to suggest anything is open or any problems ay all
  6. cheers for that, I will lift it out when i get the chance and inspect it for wear and tear.
  7. Hi there, I know this is a Very Old Topic, BUT My daughter has the same problem, Did you get this sorted, if so how plz. I have checked the cables inside the rubber sleeves and they are all ok. any other ideas ?? cheers.
  8. I've checked all the doors and boot for closing properly and adjustments, all ok. The idea of the fuel tank sender unit is worth checking out, is it easy enough to get out
  9. Hi there, when I try to unlock the door either with the key fob or the door switch, the door locks then immediately unlocks itself. I have looked into the cables between the doors for any breaks, but can't find any at all. and now, the fuel gauge is starting to play up as well, sometimes showing empty, but taking less than 30lts to fill or showing half a tank and running out and showing completely / being empty and when 20lts fuel put in then showing over half a tank. I know ppl joke about French electrics, but I'm starting to believe them...
  10. Thanks, I will have a good look there at the weekend. TG I i know its an old thread, but did you find the fault as I have a door lock fault drivers side, I've checked the wiring under that cover but all is fine. joe.
  11. Hi All I know this has probably been on here so many times, (But I can't find it), My daughter has a 2003 Xsara Diesel, that now has an Airbag warning light on. (She thinks the kids where trying to get something from under the seats) I know that an OBD2 reader don't work on this model, So what I need to know is, what cheap reader will work on this car ? if you know of one on the bay, or if you know of someone that has one in the North Down or Belfast area of N.I. that can do the job for me, then plz let me know asap plz. cheers Joe.
  12. Thats a 2003 Xsara Diesel btw so a OBD2 is no good.
  13. Thats a 2003 Xsara Diesel btw.
  14. WD 40 works Very well as a cleaner as well as a lubricant.
  15. Hi All, Anyone know of any decent Indie s for our Citroens in or around Belfast or North Down ? Any that can turn off the Airbag light on a 2003 xsara. (OBD1 not 2) cheers. Joe.
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