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Everything posted by hungry110

  1. Can anyone recommend a good battery for a c3. Had a look on ebay but not sure which seem to be the best, or most reliable.
  2. I find I have to remmeber to push the lever under the glove box back in to place otherwise it won't shut. No big hardship.
  3. Thanks for advice guys. I checked the injectorsd and they didn't seem to have any rust, also checked to see if the washer seals leaked and they didn't. This lead me to think that it was the spark plugs. Changed the plugs and problem solved! Yay.
  4. Citroen C3 2003, automatic petrol 1.4 sx Under load the engine stutters and makes the car jerk. This is not really an issue at very low revs, when taking it really easy. It's not noticeable at high revs, so been driving it in sport mode to keep engine revving high until I can get time to sort. The oil smells a little of fuel and the exhaust can smell a little of petrol as well. I'm thinking it may be a problem with the spark plugs and am going to replace them next week. If not that then having read the common problems will try the petrol injector. What doo you think, worth trying the spark plugs, or just go straight for the injector? Thanks for you help, Chris.
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