Too good to be true. Before putting the wheels back on I had her running, got her up to temperature, checked for leaks, all good. Let everything cool, checked again, all good. Put the wheels on and went for a run around the block. Took it slow,there was a lot of smoke but I was expecting some for while as the old stuff burned away. I took her out again a little while ago, there is no power at all. It's like driving in limp mode but worse. Every now and then it picks up but in 3rd or 4th it lags down and smokes like a bugger. If I stop I can rev up to 3k or more with no smoke. As soon as I pull away it doesn't want to go and struggles to go past 2k and smokes again. I can hear the turbo spooling nicely, any chance it could be the old butterfly valves In the hose before the inlet manifold. Everything was caked in oil and crap, I cleaned everything best I could before refitting. Any way of testing the valves.