Hi, Just had a full service and inspection of recently bought xantia hdi 110, faults as follows: Front and Rear discs+pads Headlights need adjusting(Kwikfit) Battery a bit low when lights and heater on battery drops lower than it should advised to get 096 or 075 battery. Rear height corrector slight leak advised to source seal kit. Front and Rear spheres. All help appreciated, not sure what brand of pads or discs to go for? Battery wise should I go for the battery type advised and not worry about brand? Rear height corrector I have seen on GSF parts for around £165, but mechanic did say that citroen used to supply the seal kit for around £60 few years back. Anyone know if they are still available anywhere? Front and Rear spheres are on way out possibly Anti sink sphere, where's the best place to source as good as the original citroen ones and what price should I be paying? I paid £120 for labour and supplied all the parts, citroen mechanic did full service, Flush LHM clean filters, oil, oil filter, fuel filter, gearbox oil, flush and refill coolant red antifreeze, fit new handbrake cables check complete running of car and grease all points . Thanks