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Everything posted by marie451981

  1. I have a citroen c2 05 senodrive automatic on 82000.. my boyfriend used my car and when he started it the auto light came on and kept flashing..myengine started but wouldnt go into gear..this lasted around 5 minutes... so called out aa.. he said hes had 2 of these today with same problem and said maybe the gear got caught in a glitch and said not to worry about it so thought nothing of it but about 3 days later again my boyfriend started my car and it happened again for around 5 minutes.. so I took it to my local garage where I always go and they put it on a machine and it came up 2 faults they advise me to tske it to citroen so I did and it cost 72.00 for them to put on machine and they got 2 faults aswell.. he advise me to get my clutch done due to milage and hoped it wasnt my g/box activator he qouted me 499 for clutch kit and 914.17 for g/box activator.. I wanted another option so took it to a clutch and gear box spesaclist and he took it for a drive and said nothing wrong with it..so today I called citroen and asked for fault codes.. they gave me 2 codes... p0750..temp fauly and p1755.. peremant fault.. clutch activator .. when Im driving my car it seems perfect and changes gear at all the right times and the light has never came on with me driving
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