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  1. Well Johndouglas Got the battery from my local ECP and using a discount code I found online managed to get £20 off. Following your guide to the letter my car is running better than it has ever been. Randombloke advised me to check the alarm battery is not draining the main one, so that will be my next exercise. Thank's to you both.
  2. Good Morning Johndouglas I will be on my way to ECP as soon as they open and will pick up a new battery. Having read some advice from the club I shall get a battery with higher cold crank amps for the Fife weather it has to endure.I have printed your advice for installation and have resorted to learning it parrot fashion (as if I were learning my time's tables) so as not to ruin the computer thing. Finally, where might I get my audio code should it be lost in the exchange process as I have no manuals. I thank you for your time and effort guiding me during my hour of need. Kind regards Bob.
  3. Hi Johndouglas, Not sure if you got my reply. the car still has he original battery.
  4. Hi Johndouglas, Thanks for your quick response to my post. An original battery is fitted with a sticker stating " Use by 07 unless fully charged " I had better change it. Could you recommend any particular battery as I don't posses an owners manual the car is only used for school runs and local journeys. Perhaps the constant start/stops have contributed to the battery's demise.By the way branches of Europarts and TMS are only half a mile away.
  5. My battery has started draining overnight - alternator is charging 14.7 - I had 12.3 volts on battery last night and it is down to 11.8 this morning and the car wouldn't start. Can anyone help - something is obviously draining the battery and I'm at a loss. Does anyone have the Lexia Diagnostic Tool that would be prepared to assist? I'm in Fife, Scotland but prepared to travel within reason. Regards Bob Davies
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