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Everything posted by delart

  1. Hi don't suppose any body can give me the colour of the pulse wire on a Citroen C5 2008 2.0 HDI?
  2. Have took the plastic rocker cover off but can see very little, has anybody got a link to the timing for a 2.2 hdi?
  3. Don't disregard the models below the Exclusive because they ride on steel springs. Having ridden on "proper suspension :rolleyes:" ever since my first BX in 1990, it was a concern when I considered getting a VTR+. Having owned one now for 18 months, I never think about the suspension. Even when towing my caravan is fine now since I changed the rear springs to MAD uprated springs. Thanks feel a bit better now collecting mine tomorrow vtx+ with panoramic roof all being well.
  4. Does anybody know the cambelt service intervals on the MK3 2.0 hdi 2008 on?
  5. Hi thanks have pm'd coastline (but haven't heard anything) cam belt arriving Monday was thinking of fitting it if I can time up and try to start ?
  6. Hi after having a 2.0 hdi and my 2.2 hdi breaking its cam belt I might have to get another car been looking hard all day for a C5 hdi Exclusive not many about and none I can find with a sunroof can anybody confirm if they do the latest model with one?
  7. Hi my C5 2.2 HDI snapped its cambelt at 120000 miles yesterday was but at 85k was told it had been done is it by any chance a safe head ?
  8. 221522 and rising as daily user at the moment body pretty good on ebay now edited 30/3/2015 by moderator at the request of delart - ebay link removed - a new one will be posted later.
  9. Thanks I know, did buy a cam belt kit for it but have five cars so one (at least lol) has to go even bought a spare set of alloys for it!
  10. It is MOT'd until early next year, I've done 60,000 trouble free miles in it and my partner is still using it daily for going to work etc.but it has lots of miles on the clock, the cambelt hasn't been changed while I've owned it and the clutch is tired. There are other bits and pieces wrong with it as well but these are the main problems.
  11. Hi I have a c5 that will be going by Tuesday 31/3/2015 if anybody wants any parts?
  12. Hi no I have no control other than on/off. Also the front speakers have a bad connection if I push the door gaiters the speakers cut in and out driving me mad. Might have to change the system?
  13. Hi thanks for answer, warning only flashes up then goes off at this stage,? I do try and give it a bit of a Italian tune up after the warning. Are DPF's fitted to all modern diesel's now?
  14. Hi what are you suppose to do when this flashes up?
  15. Hi my radio every now and again turns up to full volume and I have to disconnect the battery to get it to reset, which can be quite a problem. Anybody had this problem and fixed it or replced unit?
  16. Hi thanks for reply,on my 2.2 when I unlock it the back rises and when I turn engine off the back drops straight away it is like the car thinks the boot is open? The back does not drop when boot is open even with engine running?
  17. Hi I now have two mk1 c5 exclusive's (make your own minds up lol) I am getting even more confused about what the suspension is suppose to do, what does yours do when you unlock it get out open boot etc? Not sure if it makes any difference but one is a 2003 and the other a 2004 with the sport suspension.
  18. Hi yes play in ball joint tried other side and other car but both with gaiter on and they seem the same, and no creaking today although only did a few miles. But seemed a definate improvement time will tell.
  19. Hi can anybody help got the end of ram out now,the knuckle out (ball joint) and the is about 3mm end float does that sound normal?
  20. Hi got car up and most ready to go but knuckle that is held into radius arm by r clip is solid?
  21. Thanks, did have a look today and it stopped creaking before I found the source of the creak I could get it to creak by sitting in the boot the suspension would lift up then when I shut the boot it would drop and creak but when I got in the right position to try find it, it stopped.Also the LDS fluid is about 20 mm below the seam?
  22. Thanks again parts ordered, but can't see what's making the creak/squeak?
  23. Struggling to find a Haynes manual for a 2.2 HDI?
  24. Thanks any recommended Citroen dealers that post? Is the LDS level in the Haynes manual?
  25. Hi my C5 exclusive has started creaking from the N/S/R had a look and the gaiter is ripped virtually through. Will this cause any problems and can you just buy the gaiter it is the one on the bottom of the suspected strut that has the clip around it and clips on to the radius arm with an R clip. Have picture.
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