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Everything posted by Grandc4

  1. Are your roof bars steel or aero bars?
  2. YeH I do ask them just to double check. But just trying to find cheaper ones :/
  3. Can't seem to find much lower then 45£ :/ can you? http://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/380430513499?nav=SEARCH
  4. Ok :) goodjob iv got you guys or id be mugged off :)
  5. One of these ? http://stores.ebay.co.uk/GGCYCLEDEALS/Roof-Mount-/_i.html?_fsub=2079656016&_sid=176764526&_trksid=p4634.c0.m322
  6. I'm being really blind or I can't find any on eBay for citreon :/
  7. Ok I'll have a look for some on eBay. And this is all I would need? Inc the eBay thing
  8. Ok thankyou . So these would fit my car? How much?
  9. That's ok... If I was to get it is there anything else I would need to get?
  10. How far from you am I john?
  11. Thankyou Paul, I didint realise how pricey these things are untill I wanted one!! I was put off having a tow bar on the car really, as I normally don't buy car with a tow bar because that normally means they have been pulling heavy loads. A boot bike rack would be easier as I'd be putting the bike up and down 3 times a week
  12. Replied thankyou
  13. Hello, I am trying to find a roof rack for our car. To be honest I didint realise how expensive it was. Halford quoted me over £250 for the whole lot, the bars and the roof rack. I think we are only able to get a roof rack because of the boot of the grand c4... Has anyone got any ideas where I can get some decent ones that may not be as pricey and what sort I need to get? Right now I only need it to hold one bike. But soon 2. Any help would be greatly appiciated
  14. No the noise doesn't happen when I'm stationary, and the noise doesn't start untill I'm a few miles into a journey
  15. I'll have ago when I go home. It's not even a constant sound which is weird. But I do have to have the window down to hear it. I'll update you ASAP
  16. Basically I have a grand c4 1.6 VTR. 2011 with 40k miles, I have only noticed it the last few weeks. But if I'm in third for instance, and I'm doing 30mph, if I speed up to 40 and then don't change get but let he car slow down by it's self I can hear a ticking noise from underneath the car, the noise only happens for about 3 secs each time, and the ticking noise doesn't happen straight away, I have to do a few miles before I start to hear it, Does anyone have any idea of which it could be? If it was when I was speeding up I would hunk it would be the turbo, but it's when I slow down. Many thanks
  17. Ok thanks john I'll give that ago.
  18. I have a 2011 1.6 vtr and only had it a few weeks, I reset counter and done it for a week and I have done 120 miles all in city. So lots of traffic and traffic lights. My avg mph was 18 and my avg mpg is 43 to 44 mpg. That's not too bad is it?
  19. 5th owner? Not far off one owner a year! It sounds like that's why it's getting passed on :( hopefully you get it sorted and it isint too much hassle althought it sounds like it's already causing you a lot of hassle :(
  20. I seem to have a bit of a problem with my 2011 grand c4. I have the button down to stop the kids from playing with there windows at the back, and some times when I go to put there's up, it doesn't come up. So I have to push down the button I use to lock the back windows up and down and then try again and it normally works. But it is a bit of a pain haha
  21. Well it's got a few miles Togo befor there. So I will do what's right and best for the car and fill it up when needed. £200 woah :) I'll prepare for that one haha. Trying to look at bike racks for citron c4... I didint realise how much they cost!!
  22. Thanks for the great reply. My friend also said that he would hook it up to a computer and cancle the message and the light that would normally appear in your dashboard. This isint a great idea is it? So it is a costly thing... Our car has just done 45k miles.
  23. I have recently bought a 2011 grand c4 and im loving it. Not had far to drive it yet although we have done 140 miles already haha. ( since Saturday) A work college has told me that if the part breaks in the exhaust is then it cost a lot? The liquid costs quiet a bit apparently... He is polish and speaks okish English. Although he is a mechanic on weekends I think. Can anyone fill me in on what he is on about? Some thing about the liquid is there to cut down the emmsions? I won't have to worry about if for 3 or 4 years? So many questions....
  24. HAve just bought a 2011 grand c4 vtr! YAY
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