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Everything posted by Citrofreak

  1. Hi there. Here is a link to my fotos: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/i4s4h17ue2mrc2o/AAALI3EgyIyaKd-Q-6QIbPe7a
  2. I wanted to add photos, but server does not let me do it....?
  3. Hello. How did you fix the bulb in the holder? the pins of such bulbs are way to short and thicker than original bulb so it's needed to prolongue them.. any photos?
  4. Hi. Yes it's possible. I did it myself, but it's a nasty and painfull job. Don't do it unless you have a hand of a surgeon.
  5. Hi there. I have exactly same problem on mine C5 (2009) Tourer. I found out where water is coming in, but I cant find from where... Open the plastic cover on front column ( between doors and dashboard). You will see a white plastic "pin" with black rubber gasket which holds the plastic interior decoration. Remove it (dont brake it!) and watter wil run out just like water-tab opened! (prepare a bottle first ;)) The column is filled with water and also your lower part of carpet which is difficult to dry. I sucked all the water from the column with a small rubber tube, but it's getting in on every rain. If you find the reason/place where rain can enter the collumn please let me know! Service personell of Citroen is uselles here in Slovenia... Regards, Gregor
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