Well it's been done.... Took him about 2 hours and did cost me £70... He said there was a lot of air in the brakes and the bleeding screw snapped as he took it off! Although I can't fault his work, After I drove up and down the road for ten minutes there was still a strong smell of overheating, although the car didn't.... However this could be down to the fact I was "testing" the brakes. I did take it for an easy 15 minute drive around some quiet roads later and didn't get the smell. I am just off the couple of miles to work this morning and obviously the car is cold, so will see how I get on... I have sort of scared the brakes are going to go again, lost confidence in the car now. The mechanic did say he thought something else was wrong, but as he was a mobile mechanic he didn't have the equipment to get it up on ramps to have a good look under it.... he said it does sound like something is causing problems and suggested I take it to my mechanic for a check over... Which I am unable to do until at least Friday...