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  1. The cruise control is on the steering wheel, completely seperate to the indicator lever. I went to a proper garage that had the correct equipment to diagnose so im certain it was done properly. I bought it private without warrenty. I'm not in a huge rush to get it fixed, it'd be nice but i can wait. Maybe save up and get Citroen to have a look themselves
  2. Thanks for the reply. I dont have a list of the fault codes, because it was done for free the person serving me didn't put it in the system. I remember he said the switch was coming up as a 'static' i think it was. Thats all i know. Its a 1.6 petrol engine.
  3. Hello everyone! I've recently bought myself a 52' Citroen C3 Exclusive, one problem i'm having is the cruise control not working. I've replaced the switch in the passengers foot well that is on the same bracket as the brake light switch (the red switch was replaced as this didn't activate the brake lights so i assumed it was for the cruise control) but had no luck. I then noticed a random wire not connected to anything underneath the steering wheel by the clutch pedal. I can't seem to see where it goes to, here is a picture of said wire. http://imgur.com/XxJPmwo,iES333F#0 http://imgur.com/XxJPmwo,iES333F#1 I got my air con re-gassed today and asked if they could check for any codes, which the garage i went to didn't charge me for. It came back with a few, one was saying the cruise control button was static. They cleared it all and said it should work now. Alas, it did not. I've read enough forum posts to last me until christmas but it seems no one has a definitive answer, i'm wondering if the connector under the stering wheel has something to do with it. Any advice is very welcome. Thanks a bunch!
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