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  1. Hi Jabus and thanks for taking the time to reply. I was so happy with my Fiesta (which being a '97 model I had to reluctantly scrap due to rust) that I ended up going for another Fiesta, this time a 2007 model. It has been a good car and after reading about your issues, I am glad I didn't go for the C1 :rolleyes:
  2. Hey everyone, Had my heart set on a C1 for a while. Love the design, the compactness, fuel efficiency and generally how economical it would be to keep on the road. For me it seemed liked my dream car. Until I took one for a test drive ! I know it only has a 1 litre engine but I hoped that it would still be quite nippy. I just found it very unresponsive, juddery (is that a word?), and seemed like such an effort just to get it to 50 mph..(I currently drive a 1997 rust bucket of a Fiesta with a 1.3 l engine). Given all the positive reviews out there and my personal experience of regularly getting overtaken on the dual carriageway by C1s/Aygos/107, I thought maybe it was something I was doing wrong. I don't want to give up on the C1 just yet. I'm looking for some hints and tips on how to drive the C1 to get the most out of it. Does the handling get better with experience ? I have a one-way half hour commute to work each day and do about 3 or 4 long trips a year. Do you think it's doable in a C1 ? Please guys, help me to fall in love with the C1 :wub: Thanks !!
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