Just as an update if anyone is interested in exporting a car to France: I have just taken my Xsara across to be registered. I tried contacting Citroen UK via their website, asking about obtaining a Certificate of Confirmity (CoC) – but without a response to my email. Also phoned a couple of main agents who knew very little about the subject. Decided to call Citroen direct but the person I needed to talk to was unavailable!!! I did find out that in the UK it costs £80. But I think the CoC needs to be in French and not sure the UK office can provide that, as I have since discovered someone who got a CoC from Ford but was unable to make use of it as it was in English. I finally contacted Citroen in France who prompty informed me that I needed to send a copy of a purchase Inoice, V5, ID ie. Passport, a completed appication form (downloadable from the internet) for the CoC and a payment of 180€. Found a number of sites where I could do the whole thing online which was much easier and now waiting for the arrival of the CoC.