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Everything posted by richardstephens

  1. Hi Paul Many thanks for your quick reply - I'll have a look in the glove compartment fuse box in close detail. I did look in my owner's manual for the rear fog light fuse, but there doesn't appear to be one! There is one specifically for the front fog lights, but none listed for the rear. Perhaps it runs on on the same circuit as something else? I think you are probably right - it is a fault with the COM2000 unit. However, I was hoping to completely bypass the unit / car computer by fitting a push switch straight to the relay. This should be enough to pass the MOT for me, and I never have the need to use the fog lights anyway! Cheers Richard
  2. Hello there Would anyone be able to tell me where the rear fog light relays are located? My controls will no longer turn off fog lights independently of the main set of lights. As this is a requirement for an MOT, I wanted to run a separate switch straight into the fog light relays (bypassing control stalk and computer) Thank you very much Richard
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