Before running a C3 I ran a Berlingo 2.00 hdi from new into the ground. At about 150 k I began to experience all those symptoms associated with turbos and ecrs/their solenoid control valves ,vacuum pipes etc etc. Poor pulling up hills,lack of power et etc. BUT NO MANAGEMENT light Several weeks ago with the C3 after having had the starter replaced by the garage I again began experiencing these symptoms.However a quick check underneath revealed a disconnected vacuum pipe(to the ecr solenoid valve) Pushed it back on problem solved. Then it started again so I checked the piping and a spare solenoid valve but still a problem. This brings me back to the Berlingo where I diagnosed the problem as air leaking into the fuel system clearly visible on the Berlingo which had a transparent fuel pipe to the priming bulb. This led me to the fuel sender unit in the fuel tank(completely misnamed in my opinion) It consists of not only a fuel level float but far more important a fuel pick up chamber which floats in the body of fuel in the fuel tank. Its a cylindrical tank which hold about a litre of fuel which enters it through a one way flap valve at its bottom.The fuel supply pipe is at its centre and covered with a fine plastic filter. In both the Berlingo and the C3 a leaf had entered the filler pipe and got into chamber over the top I suspect when filling the tank to the brim. Once pickled the leave sinks and assumes the form of a very gooey almost rubber like sheet. This wraps itself around the flap valve and restricts fuel entering the pick up chamber. When I cleaned the one on the Berlingo I even found a pickled Daddylonglegs! So before you get carried away with the turbo and associated bits check out the fuel sender unit.