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  1. Hi & thanks for the reply, my van has the speaker which i was told was for the bluetooth phone i just cant connect also there is a hole with wires behind it where i imagine the usb port should be so maybe its been pulled out? i have searched the internet but cannot find anything about the usb or where to buy a new one :-( Today im building some racking in the back i feel like a kid at christmas with my new van just wish i new how to use its features haha.
  2. Hello people i buaght a 2008 Relay today & have only driven it from the garage to home, after reading the info in the pack i got with it i went out to look around the van again & realised the usb port is missing from the glove box can i get a replacement?? also the smartnav loads up & then just stays on the main screen i have pressed all buttons on the screen also held them a few seconds but nothing happens! it was picking up my speed as i drove home so though it was working :-( apart from these things i love the van its a good upgrade from my old kangoo!! Oh also how do i connect the bluetooth i have a samsung galaxy s4 but it will not find the vans bluetooth please help me :-)
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