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About tampenny

  • Birthday 01/13/1968

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  1. Paul, thank you for doing all the leg work with the complicated forum info stuff....yes MK1 C5, found the problem in the usual place !!!!..........broken wire in the rubber seal at the top of the door, the door lock motor must send a signal to the BSI which activates the lights, thank you very much for guiding me to a satisfactory conclusion.
  2. no 12v supply to the lamps, continuity on earth fine, checked wiring diagram in the Haynes manual but no sign of a switch, has to be a switching mechanism surely.....!!! any ideas please ???
  3. i have the same issue now any resolution please ??
  4. Guys, strange stuff going down, the air re circulation decided to start working last night......but then stopped again !!! this morning it came on again, also came on with the ECO button then both went off when the AUTO was activated, sounds about right hurrah !!!! tried it tonight it is not working at all, any ideas please ?? operator error could be an option !! cheers.
  5. Paul/Stephen thank you, no the button doesn't illuminate or work under any circumstances, will have a nose at the motor, up high in the drivers footwell is not ideal for a 20 bloke......sigh
  6. Hi all, my C5 has this auto air temperature/flow control business which all works very nicely except for the air recirculating button which doesn't, could anyone please point me in the correct fault finding direction ?? Thanking you.
  7. thank you, am on the case, have sprayed wd40 down the channels of the window thinking this will enable better slidability, recommended course or action or not ?
  8. hi all, please help me if you at all can, the driver side rear window was sticking whilst going up and down, so removed the door panel etc and wd40'd the mechanism inside, then the motor stopped so i unbolted it from the regulator...big mistake, the glass slides up and down lovely until i put the motor back in, now it rattles, vibrates, screams, howls....you get the message, window does go up and down just very loudly, have greased and sprayed everything in sight but totally stumped, any ideas gratefully received. cheers
  9. that is exactly where it is, took some finding but job is now done, thank you again.
  10. SORTED !!!!! a big thank you to one and all, the air intake flap was stuck in the closed position, a firm finger soon opened it, decided to have the pint and peanuts and twiglets myself today to celebrate, bless you all.
  11. Paul, this just gets more bizarre by the day !! i turned the temperature up to full and the air came flowing through the vents but as you lower the temp the air flow reduces too, that surely makes no sense ??? there is a pint and a packet of peanuts for the person who cracks this !!
  12. Mike, nope afraid not, it blows the same on all settings, but after i have put the air re circulation on it won't then turn off.....!!!! so don't know if that may be of some relevance ?? also, please tell me is the system meant to intake air from under the windscreen ? because when i had the scuttle off the flap between there and the blower motor wasn't opening when i put the blower on ?? it's all confusing stuff.......
  13. Paul have now checked the outside air intake and all is fine no blockages at all, i slightly opened the flap that goes between that and the motor and it was blowing like a tornado, am now even more convinced i need to somehow get behind the matrices !! thank you for your continued support,
  14. Paul, have checked with the news paper and anti pinch works only one day it may not and i cannot trust the lives of my dogs to a car that is notorious for electrical faults, spoke with a number of local Citroen dealers and even they weren't 100% on how to disable it....!!!
  15. Cheers Paul, is it possible to examine the flaps around the matrices ? i have no issue with hot or cold so the final flap could well be the culprit, will have to get the vac on the outside air intake seems to think it is a plant as it has a number of leaves on it.
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