Hi there, I have just paid a ridiculously high price to join the C5 fraternity by buying a 2002 C5 1.8 LX with only 15K genuine miles - always garaged and in totally imaculate condition! Now you might be wondering why anyone would be stupid enough to do this so I will add a brief explanation:- I live in the south of France and return occasionally to the UK to house sit for my sisters dog and cats, this is a very convenient reciprocal arrangement as she does the same for me when I regularly pop off to tick the various boxes on my lifes bucket list. Just over a year ago I bought a 2001 Rover 75 V6 connoiseur with very low mileage to drive at home in France ( love it, great car) so when I decided to find a car to keep at my sisters instead of hiring a car every time I visit, I was looking for another low mileage, well kept big car that would satisfy my touring needs for perhaps 4-6 weeks a year. As a keen Biker ( I ride a Beautiful Goldwing all over Europe and keep a very loud Yamaha Wildstar to pose at the various coffee shops locally when the sun is out (most of the time), so I did consider keeping a bike in the UK - look out of your window to see why I decided against doing that and bought a car instead. I wish I could say that I had carefully considered which manufacturer and model I would buy, I did not, I simply bought on a whim the oldest, lowest mileage car that was up for auction on the day the whim took me - my wife had owned a C3 for 8 years and she had been very happy with it, so I suppose it was not a completely virgin choice. I must admit that I have been rather disappointed to find that the car seems to have a very poor press regarding its reliability and this sort of explains why I have decided to join the club - in anticipation of perhaps some future issues that I will have to deal with on the rare occasions that the C5 is trotted out onto the British roads. I enjoy tinkering about with cars and bikes (retired, what else is there to do) although I am no great expert when it comes to electrical issues ( which is probably a bit unfortunate as most of the issues on the C5 seem to involve electrics) but like everyone else I just hate the Gallic shrugs and sharp intake of breath that seems to follow whenever you take your 4 or 2 wheeled steed to the local garage. I guess I may be slightly better off than some as I live in the C5's homeland and getting parts and spares could be a bit less expensive especially if the come from a scrap yard. Also, the 1.8 lx seems to have a lot less buttons and whistles to go wrong in the first place, so I live in hope that it will confound the pundits and be as reliable as my old rover is. Sorry for the lengthy introduction, however, it may help you experts to understand my simplistic and dim questions should they arise over the coming months and hopefully years :o)