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Everything posted by rfhspares

  1. This was the answer, solved te problem. thanks
  2. problem solved, John Douglas post above had the answer , disconnected battery negative terminal and reconnected following reset precedure and all fixed . http://www.citroen-o...s-rev-22122014/ thanks everyone.
  3. I dont think it is a wiring or a switch fault as it would do it when I hit bumps when driving. Seems more like an electronic fault. I will try disconnecting it though as that's an easy thing to do on this car. Thanks for your input.
  4. Think you may be right about the gas. I thought the pump would still run even if the gas was low but someone told me if the gas pressure is too low or too high the pump won't kick in to protect the pump. Will get the gas checked in next few weeks I think.
  5. Thanks for that. I will try it and update the thread on my progress
  6. When i bought it the battery was nearly flat as the man that had it hadn't driven it for a while due to illness. Was in eco mode and although it turned over didn't have enough guts to start it. Had to use leads to start it . Since having daily use the battery seems fine now. Would that have caused it and how do I reset it? Thanks for your quick reply.
  7. From what I understand you can connect a diagnostic computer to the car and force it to regen the dpf. It revs the engine up for a while and I think it alters timing slightly making it burn hotter and burn off the soot . Be interested how you got on with this as I worry about mine getting clogged.
  8. Citroen c8 2004 2.2hdi . Recently bought and i find everytime I start the engine the hazard lights come on and I have to press the button to turn them off. Happens nearly everytime and doesn't matter if I arm or disarm the alarm or if I lock doors or not. Only happens once the engine is turned over and started. Any ideas?
  9. I have a 2004 2.2hdi c8. The air conditioning pump doesn't seem to kick in when I turn it on and set to 14degrees (coldest) . Air con pipes dont get cold and i dont hear the pump engage. I wonder if its because the outside air temp is lower that 14 degrees and the car knows this and so air con not needed and doesn't engage? Or is there a fuse or relay. All blowers and heater functions work.
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