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  1. Whoo hoo!! Success- checked again and realised i hadn't fully blanked off the egr vacuum circuit. Did that and hey presto - acceleration. There must be a leak somewhere in the pipework but as the egr is blanked off i don't need to worry about it. Thanks for everyone's input.
  2. Brakes are very sharp so it probably isn't the lack of vacuum. When i blanked the egr i also blanked off the pipework from the vacuum pump to the egr. I've also replaced a couple of the rubber ends around the solenoid valve that, although not split, were a bit loose. How does the solenoid valve work? It has an electrical connector which presumably progressively enables the vacuum to reach the turbo but should i be able to measure a voltage at the pins? As for the turbo, it doesn't seem to kick in until 2.5-3k revs. Thanks
  3. Hi, I've spun the turbo by hand and their doesn't appear to be any play in the spindle. I unplugged the MAF and it was worse but i haven't had a fault code reader on it. I've changed the oil and air filters but not the fuel (I'll try and do that next week. I'll check the air inlet duct at the same t8me Peddle goes all the way to the floor. As i swapped the pipes around on the turbo solenoid valve and it made no difference, could it be that the car isn't creating the vacuum to operate the system?
  4. Hi, I've just bought a 2003 c3 1.4hdi 16v. It starts fine and runs smoothly but it has no power when going up hills. I've scoured the forums and read about some of the potential issues so I've checked the maf (ok), blanked off the egr with a blanking plate (helped) and replaced the turbo pressure valve (no change). I've checked the pipes for splits and can move the actuator rod on the turbo by hand (it's stiff but i guess thats ok). Thinking that i may have crossed the pipes to the turbo pressure valve, i swapped them over and it made no difference! So having done all this I've still not solved the problem so I'm now a bit stuck. Does any one have an idea of what i should do next. I should add that the turbo seems to be fine at higher revs.
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