Hi. I have some strange problem with hazard switch & central lock buttons functionality (please see pictures below). They ceased to work properly and since then could not switch on when you press on them. The only option to make them work is to wait 3 minutes when all electric devices switched off and the car enters into ECO power save mode. Then buttons works only for once, because after the car woken up from ECO mode the button stop to work. To add more trouble if hazard light pressed in ECO mode it starts to work however you can't switch off it with the hazard button after the car woken up. To switch it off I need disconnect the battery and reconnect it, wait 3 minutes and then press the hazard button via open window. More details: Central locking working all the time from key fob, but not from the salon. So at the moment I more worried to regain normal functionality of hazard switch. Until now I have exchanged hazard switch with new one with no luck and checked all fuses on the BSI unit (located under gloves box) and another set of fuses under bonnet (all fuses came all good). Disconnected and connected back all plugs in sockets on BSI unit, fuse box under bonnet. Still the same problem. I would be grateful if someone could shed the light on my problem and help me resolve it. Also I would like to understand what kind of electrical signal makes to switch on/off the hazard light. I mean if this process driven by positive, ground or other type of signal. So maybe someone could provide the hazard button 3 pin outs description as per pictures below. There are 3 cables going out (orange, green, green/yellow) and I would like to know where they are connected to. Maybe there some loose ground somewhere or something similar. So I can check it properly with multimeter. Would be great if some one have C3 electric schematics diagram and could send to me please. I would really appreciate any input from fellow Citroen forum users. The car's model is: Citroen C3 1.4 HDI, 2004 reg. Thank you for taking time to read my message.