I need to find a garage for servicing and repair in the Lisburn Area of Northern Ireland. Citroen Specialist would be preferred. 2009 C5 1.6 HDi VTR+NAV
Recently purchased a 2009 C5 Tourer 1.6Hdi VTR+Nav in Metallic Red - Looks Cool - Goes Well - 54Mpg 96K £4K Where is the best place in Northern Ireland to get the engine tuned for performance. One Major Gripe.... I have connected my Sony E4G via the audio connectors in the glove box, but the volume has to be turned up to at least 25 to get good sound, radio only needs to be at 8 to become troublesome for conversation. I have turned to volume up full on my phone but this has no effect. Is there a sub-menu in the stereo that increases this receiving volume parameter.
The power steering on my 2009 1.6Hdi VTR+Nav seems to be intermittent. At slow speeds, if I try to turn the wheel quickly, ie when parking, it seems if the power fails. Is this a trait of this car or is it an issue that needs looked at?
Having just purchased a 2009 1.6 VTR+Nav , I have found that over 65 Mph, when under braking I get steering wheel shake / vibration. Is this a feature of the car or does it point to a serious issue underneath?