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The Goat

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  1. I've notice that the seal along the top of my windscreen isn't properly fitted between the roof and glass. For all I know it may be cosmetic, and the windscreen bonded to the body, but maybe not. I haven't noticed water ingress from there, but then I haven't had the car long or looked for a leak. Just a thought...
  2. Followed the battery disconnect procedure to reset the dooby watsit, reconnected and (perhaps unsurprisingly) no change. Still have the abs light. Plug in time then...
  3. The power steering is back!?!
  4. ....well the light's still on and now the power steering has packed up. I knew I should have stuck to land rovers....
  5. Thanks Paul, for the welcome and the advise. The car's been idle for 12 hours now so I'm hoping as you say the light will have gone. I'm going to replace brake pads soon anyway so at that point if I still have a fault I'll inspect and clean the sensors. Is there a diagnosis system that is not out of reach of the home mechanic? Either a handheld unit or software+laptop that isn't thousands and would be useful for a number of cars on the road today? I always used to stick to pre-98 cars as a rule as that seemed to be the point where everything became computer hell. It's getting increasingly difficult to find a decent older motor so I wouldn't mind investing a couple of hundred quid in a diagnostics machine of some description for myself.
  6. A funny thing happened on the way to the garage today.... I had to make way for a bin lorry on a single track road today by pulling into a sloped gravelly lay by. I lost traction and was unable to drive forward any further to get out again, so rather than sit there wheel spinning any longer than needed I reversed back out with just a little more right foot than I would use in normal driving. Anyway, back on the road a few minutes later I got a 3 beep warning and the abs light came on. I put this down to the wheel spin confusing the computer and triggering the fault. I've since checked the abs by hitting the brakes hard at about 40mph and I'm sure they're working fine. Very stoppy, especially as I'm used to driving Land Rovers. I had hoped the light would disappear after leaving the car for a couple if hours but it hasn't. Is it possible to clear this fault by any means other than getting stung for the cost of a plug in to a mechanics fancy box? Can I disconnect the battery for an hour or perform a 'magic key in ignition dance' or similar witch craft? Thanks in advance.
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