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  1. Thanks for the reply Paul. My concern is that it has been topped up with water. Completely white. The seller is saying that they topped it with water because they didn't have anything else. As you are saying is long live anti freeze it wouldn't need to be topped up. My concern is what if that antifreeze is going into oil and mixing up. The car has stood off the road for months so if they changed the oil and left it without running I will not be able to see/smell water in the oil.
  2. Hello Citroen Club! That is my first post and it is regarding buying an C3 with the 1.4 engine. I went down to look on of the new shape C3s with the 1.4 75ps (I think that's the old engine). Everything was spot on with the car (28k miles) except that it was topped up with water not coolant. On the question now why a 28k will need coolant topped up? I remember them 1.4s have been prone to have issues with head gaskets on the older 206s. Checked the oil seems brand new and looks good no smell of water in it. At the back no signs of whitish(water smoke) or greyish (burning oil). Anyone able to tell me should I avoid that 1.4? Thanks!
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