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Everything posted by wpeter

  1. So, the symptoms are exactly the same with a different barrel and key, and a different under bonnet fuse box, and with the BSI being reset.
  2. No,I just replaced the complete ignition barrel with a second hand one complete with key, thinking the original may have been worn. The chip that matched the bsi was in the hinge of the plastic key fob, so I simply pulled the key blade out of the replacement key, and glued it into in my original plastic fob, and also swapped the circuit board for the central locking. The car starts and runs normally (although I now have to carry the original key for the petrol cap or in case I need to manually unlock the doors).
  3. I replace the whole barrel, so I've ended up with a different key for the ignition and doors/petrol cap.
  4. I just left it running with the key out and gave up after ten minutes .... it just kept running.
  5. Thanks for the reply. It's done 99,180 miles. I've used the Redex additive lately in case of a carbon build up....no improvement though. I've never actually left it running with the key out to see if it stops itself eventually. That may give a clue so I'll try that now and post back. I'm sure it's linked to when I ran out of petrol though....maybe a stuck solenoid somewhere? Cheers
  6. Hello, I've been having this problem for months where the engine continues running after the key is removed. The battery light is the only light that remains on when the key is removed....no other warning lights are on when running or stopped. Everything is running as normal, although it did go into limp mode last week for no apparent reason and I've noticed the occasional 'dip' in accelaration when driving. I've tried changing the ignition barrel, rebooting the BSI, and also changed the under bonnet fusebox in case it was a stuck relay, but no success. This problem only started after I ran out of petrol one time. From that moment on, the engine wont switch off with the key. Any suggestions for a solution would be gratefully received. Cheers
  7. And I've just noticed that the battery light stays on when the key is removed, so the engine is still drawing power then?
  8. It's done 95,000 miles.
  9. Actually, the key symbol on the dash came on and stayed on during my drive to work this morning ..... is this pointing to the ignition barrel as the problem? Thanks.
  10. Thanks very much for the reply. No, all the dash lights go out as normal .... the engine continues to run with the key removed. I'll clean the plate tomorrow and see if theres any change, then look to get a code reader. Cheers
  11. Hello, I'm looking for some advice please. I ran out of petrol in my 2003 C5 1.8 16v yesterday, and from that moment on the engine will not turn off with the key. I have to stall the engine to stop it. The car is functioning normally otherwise, and the only warning light on the dash is the orange engine light, although that has been on since I had the car a year ago. Also, can anyone identify the unit circled in red on the attached picture please? It continues making an audible high-pitched whine long after the engine is stopped. The noise stops when I unplug its power, but returns when plugged back in....I wondered if that was the cause. Thanks very much.
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