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About plurielzze

  • Birthday 12/11/1962

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Well Mike, I had similar roblems but under warrenty. The roof was changed and the problem was cured. It may be that you need a new roof and seals. The only problem is the expence as you are not under warrenty. I have heard it will cost about £3000.
  2. Over 46000 miles and only one problem. A stuck roof due to a faulty wire. Leaks, what leaks? The Pluriel has been leak free since new, it is a 2003 built one although registerred 04. Best car I have ever had it really is great at any time of year to be open topped. Only rain closes the roof. In winter the heater is good enough to help give a glow on dry days. I would recommend one to anyone it is much better than the Swedish manufactured car it replaced.
  3. My roof got stuck and it turned out to be a severed wire loom in the rear window. It was cured by having a new rear window and roof. It all comes as one! If this is the case, I hope you are still within the warrenty as I was told this costs about £1200! I try to restrict my boot use as it could be due to over use, about 80 times a week when on business.
  4. I write for the Citroen Car Club and the pluriel does have a good press, I own one and am very enthusiastic. :) It is a cult car with a following of mostly happy drivers. You almost certainly get a wave off a Pluriel driver if you wave. I really think a Pluriel Owners Club would be a good idea for the UK. Any offers to start one? :blink:
  5. Value does not worry me. :) I aim to keep the Pluriel for a long time. My other car was traided in after 12 years for almost £1000. The Pluriel was bought with a 25% discount due to the car being actively used in shows while raising money for various charities. The dealership thought it would be a good publicity move for them and Citroen. :blink: The car is going to be kept for at least 12 years as the body should last until then. I believe in getting valur from any big purchace especially when depreciation takes place. :D
  6. Two Pluriels :blink: The more the merrier. What a good car it is. I have one and is is just great, I am very surprised to see so few on the roads. Try waiving at another Pluriel driver, it really is fun. I had a great wave from four young ladies in a Pluriel, it made my day. Hope you are enjoying them. :)
  7. Love the Pluriel. :wub: I have had a trouble free two years travelling 400 miles a week. No leaks due to extra packing by the dealer. The car now does an average of 44.7mpg which is good for a petrol especially with much urban driving. :D There have been a few modifications to the engine over time and a few more to be added. I want more power and greater economy. On reflection it is the best car I have owned to date :D
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