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  1. not that i can see but i will check this weekend with the connector
  2. i had some one try to steal my car and now the horn is not working is thier something thay have done to disable it i did test the fuse and its all good please help if you can thanks
  3. its hard to say when the fuse blows its random and i will cheak the ball joint is that in the car or under the car as u mentiond a ramp thanks for the reply and no error coads for that problem
  4. Hi i have had this problem a few times. it was burning out a fuse in the fuse box near the drivers wheel fuse number 4 (3 times) - its for the rearview mirror, a filter and the esr system. also the drivers head light on drivers side blow as well. very strange so its something electrical. anyone able to point me in the right direction. its a c8 06 plate exclusive thanks in advance I am waiting for a scanning tool to see if their is any error codes I can see
  5. Hi just today this error started when i put the wheel full lock to the left any idieas please and thanks
  6. Hi big update i got a comms unite and worked grate untill a burning smell and the horn setting off this is the 3rd time now wear should i be looking as its something other than the comms unit
  7. I wish it was that as on the back of unit are 4 plugs but on a 3 port is only 3 plugs as thay are part of the pcb
  8. Ok another question i can get a 3 port comms unit for the c8 can i take the pcb out of this 4 port unit and swap them so the 3 port becoms a 4 with the working airbag and horn
  9. Its the unit behind the steering wheel that has the controls for indercators and stuff and the wiers for airbag and horn and all of that stuff
  10. Hi just a quick question i have a c8 exclusive 06 plate and i need a 4 port squib what over makes can fit i knowe the 807 i have also herd the c4 also will fit can some one please help
  11. Im gessing no one knows??
  12. Hi i have a c8 when i got it it hade a problem with horn and air bag to cut a long story short it was the squib the grage replaced it it went again 2 weeks ago i was driveing then my horn started on its own and smoke and burning smell came out from the steering wheel but all was good no sign of fire but again the same problem that the squib was blown i got a replasment and fitted it and worked ace i hade no airbag light and a horn went into town today and it did it again but no smoke or burning smell hade to take fuse out for the horn i was wondering could thay be a short in the steering cloum that is makeing it blow and also the fuse for the rear view mirror and the alignment sensor for the asr system thats y im suspenting its in the steering colum a wire or something touting or it could be the box the car company installed to make sure i pay my car payment lol please let me know what you think befor i go spending a fortun on repair bills
  13. Hi i have a C8 and im looking for the fusebox i know thier is 3 one in engen bay and drives floor but the 3rd is somewear on the passenger side wear is it and how do i get to it please in advance need to cheak for the Steering wheel angle sensor, Diagnostic socket, ESP sensor, Manual air conditioning, Clutch switch, Headlamp beam height, Particle emission ï¬ lter pump, Electrochromatic interior mirror fuse ​
  14. Thats not a option now my car is out of warranty and its a 1 hour 15 mins drive to them could you link what it is i need on ebay or tell me what to search thanks
  15. Anothe daft question can i recaibrate it my self ???
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