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Everything posted by Bellashanna81

  1. Thanks to you both - the garage replaced the wiring loom harness for the fuel injectors & it broke down again yesterday - thankfully was outside my parents house. When the garage did the work (which they haven't charged for as yet) the mechanic said it was either the wiring loom harness faulty, or could be the computer reading the fault. As the harness hasn't fixed it, its now back with them for the alternative, Over a week with no car now & costs mounting up on a hire car as live in the Fens to buses are not regular!!
  2. Hi!, I wonder if someone can help please. I have a 03 plate 1.6 Zsara Picasso, Its done 83k mileage. Firstly, on Sunday, I had been shopping, returned to my car & it wouldn't start. It wouldn't turn over, there was no noise whatsoever. Called the AA who came out, they connected their battery pack & it started straight away. I started to drive home after a while, and a few miles up the road, the engine management light came on, it displayed 'Engine Fault' and the engine cut out completely, as well as the power steering & everything. I pulled over & called the same guy from the AA on his mobile. He came 5 minutes later. The car then started up again, but with the engine light still on, he followed me to my parents house - It was half a mile away - and we pulled up so he could look. Nothing came up on his diagnostics machine thing, apart from something to do with the CO2 emissions sensor. He said that wouldn't have anything to do with the engine cutting out. He suggested i take it to the garage. The next day the garage looked at it, they said it needed a new battery as 3 of the 4 cells weren't working. They replaced it & I drove it fine back to my parents house (a mile away from the garage). It started each time fine & no engine light, so yesterday evening I went to go home (30 miles away). About 4 miles down the A47, the same thing happened again. Loss of power, engine fault displayed & Engine light coming on. I luckily was able to coast to a stop in a dirt patch off the main road, otherwise I would have been on a busy A road. The AA sent out a recovery vehicle as a priority - being a woman alone in the dark - and Tears recovery came. I was able to start the car again & he followed me to the Shell garage 1 mile away so he could look at it. He plugged it in to the computer & it displayed several error codes, They said something like 'Cylinder 1 injection low', 'Cylinder 2 injection low' and the same for 3 & 4, and then the same CO2 emissions as the previous day, He fiddled under the bonnet & said he had discovered the fault, it was the wiring harness that goes to the injectors, it needed replacing. He said it would have affected the CO2 emissions somehow (he did explain but I was in such a state with being on my own late at night and in the freezing cold - i didn't really take in what he said about that) He said that it was common & being a mechanic for over 20 years, he had seen it many times before. He said a garage would need to order the part from main dealer & would take a couple of days to arrive but only 20 minutes to replace. Anyway, i managed to get home (whatever he did under the bonnet enabled me to drive back to my parents where i'd just come from) My dad has taken it to his local garage today. I am so worried about this - i have a 2 year old daughter, and I was lucky she wasn't in the car with me at the time, it would have been awful. Is this something anyone on here has experienced before with being a problem & had it changed, with no further issues? Sorry for the essay, I need some reassurance, as I have been Googling it and can't seem to find the answer! Thanks in advance.
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